
Group: Members
Posts: 1428
Joined: Mar. 2004 |
Posted: Jan. 01 2005,05:17 |
Hey everyone! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Here's a little something that me and tronik (most of the hard stuff was done by tronik) have been working on for a few weeks. Although, it's not nearly as done as it would have been if my mobo had not died, but we aimed for a Jan 1 release, and I'm not gonna let my pride get in the way.
Announcing what many flustered DSL'ers have been waiting for,
The Damn Small Linux Documentation Project!!!
This is the place that will (eventually) hold much of the knowledge of the forums, but ordered, indexed, and readily accesible.
Check it out, and tell us what you think!
Keep in mind that it's very beta, and not NEARLY complete (not that it really ever will be).
And this isn't going to be just me and tronik. Got a how-to that you think would fit nicely on the doc site? Use the contact form and send it to me!! I say me, because it goes to my mailbox. Tronik works the server side stuff, and I do content. He rocks.
Oh, I almost forgot the mirror.
That's right, we will also be providing a mirror of the current ISO and boot disks, as well as many tools and utils (think the deb2dsl script and the tripleboot setup), and even a few remasters.
I'm not sure whether or not we will be mirroring the MyDSL repository, we haven't really thoough that far ahead.
We really want it to be a place for collected knowledge about DSL, as well as a place that you can grab the iso and try it out. We have lots of bandwidth (Thanks Vectori!!).
This is in NO way meant to take anything away from the forums. Think of it as a Cliff's Notes for DSL.
Anyways, after you make a nice walkthrough of something, send it to us so that it will be easily accessible!
Well, I'm rather tired, and i want you people to check it out.
Forward the Revolution!!!
-------------- They say if you play a Microsoft CD backwards, you hear satanic messages. That's nothing, cause if you play it forwards, it installs Windows.
Unleash the power of the TILDE~~~