
Group: Members
Posts: 2329
Joined: Oct. 2003 |
Posted: Oct. 31 2004,21:46 |
Here is an email I sent myself with NO INTERNET CONNECTION ! This was only via Ham Radio/APRS/Packet .
I'm using DSL and Xastir 1.4.0 , out Com-1 to a MFJ 1276 TNC , then out to a 4W handheld Radio Shack HTX-202 Transmitter, and sent via coax to a 13 element 2 meter beam at 20 ft. Making first contact with W5AC-2 , the Texas A&M repeater at A&M University in Bryan/College Station at 32.5 miles from my QTH.
Looks like the email made it to a mail server in N.J. before it was sent to my damnsmall email account..
I actually received a reply from the WU2Z digipeater just minutes after sending this to confirm that the email was sent successfuly.
Next time I'll try this from a more remote location via the Jeep . Top of a building or a unique landmark or site ( lake , park , etc. ) One of my laptops will run from the 12V, as will the TNC and Radio..
There is also an ISS passover tonite at 09:35PM CST. I will attempt to bounce some sig off the ISS, maybe even get a reply/ack from someone in North or Central America.

73 ke4nt