
Group: Members
Posts: 155
Joined: Dec. 2003 |
Posted: Aug. 02 2004,18:49 |
I was able to test the new release on a box that is way more powerful than I have at home. I built a custom ISO of 0.7.3 with every .dsl that was avail. as of 7/30/04. I have reported on the status of those DSL modules, but here are a few things I noticed with just 0.7.3 before loading any modules.
USB optical scroll mouse, works, but no scroll wheel unless I issue "dsl xsetup" at boot prompt.
Sound card: i810 sound is detected at boot, but anything needing sound errors out (2 DSL modules, barrage and freebirth, xmms will not open a file)
Error only one processor found. On Knoppix 3.4 the same box shows as 2 processors. It is a P4 that looks like 2 because ot the hyperthreading.
On one of the bootups, several desktop icons did not work, before any myDSL files were loaded. XPaint, Ted, VNC Viewer, axFTP. I was able to launch Ted, but I could not open a file or create a new one. The program would exit. From the menu all worked as expected. After reboot they were all back to normal. Just a glich, but I wanted to report it.
I'm wondering if in the theme menu, you could add "(Default)" after the default theme? Or possibly move it to the top of the list. After testing the themes it was a pain to get back to the original theme. I kept thinking that it was "simple", but that wasn't it.
In the mydsl menu (I have DSL files on disk) the list is not alphabetized. Not a big problem, but some items are hard to pick out when it is not sorted.
In the browsers: you might want to add some nice default bookmarks. All you currently have is Maybe we could vote on some suggested links to include in the forum. I would include stuff like,, debian newbie, rute users tutorial,,,, linux command line reference, an online man repository since man has been stripped out, and others.
This distro is shaping up to me my favorite of all. Thanks guys.
-------------- ripcrd6 ---------------- Somewhere there is a village missing an idiot.