
Group: Members
Posts: 2329
Joined: Oct. 2003 |
Posted: Nov. 16 2004,07:56 |
Quote | My entire legal mp3 collection (I never download music) |
Oh no.. The RIAA has ingrained itself upon the mindset of Amerika !
You don't REALLY think your doing the ARTISTS a favor by BUYING PRODUCT from the MAJOR LABEL INDUSTRIES, rather than simply contacting the artist yourself, do you ?
Send then a cup of coffee, or a individual size bag of chips, and you'll be donating more to their cause than they get from your $12.99 CD purchase.. The CD , with artwork ( what you get of it these days ) and packaging, costs about 20-30 cents to make.. ( That may be high, as you can BUY your own blank discs and boxes for LESS ) The artists get less than that per disc sold .. PLUS, they have to cover ALL THE EXPENSES before they truly get ONE DIME ( advances get paid back as well ) of EARNED INCOME ..
What happened to the Concerts and "Album Sides" on the radio.. We use to get "qued" by the disc jocks on air to "get your tape player ready" Remember the "King Biscuit Flower Hour" , or "Friday Nght Album Hour" where thay would play the entire disc, not just THE HITS ..
We recorded EVERYTHING off the radio, or another tape, or from vinyl to tape for the car.. There was never any problem. ever.. EVER...
Comedy Shows, Public Radio, Interviews, all sorts o' stuff.. ( If you remember the "Ellis Deagh Talk Show" , you are permanently fscked up )
The ALBUM COVERS were more in demand than the VINYL ..
It all went to hell when the idea was to make m o n e y selling CD's , and not the IMAGE, or the BAND, or the LIFESTYLE .. ( often times , the merchandise is sold directly by the artists , which is GOOD )
Now, I had loads and loads of "store bought USED records" "Pawn Shop 8-tracks" and "Garage Sale" tapes. So, don't give me the scoop about the artists losing money crap, They weren't losing a penny from my actions..
Then I'd make my "Own Distro" of stuff, and pass it around to my buddies.. It was what everyone did.. it was NO PROBLEM ..
Why don't you just borrow a friends? ( Don't you do that now anyway with CD's DVD's VHS from your friends and family? )
Maybe you goto your local B.Buster outlet, or mom&pop video store. Rent it for a night, rip it, and return it.. What's the difference? You don't think the ARTIST is gonna see any of that rental cash, do you? The PRODUCT was paid for after the first 10 or so rentals, so WHY CAN THEY MAKE MONEY LEGALLY OFF OTHER ARTISTS TALENT, with no compensation towards the artists, and yet you get in "trouble" for making yourself a "copy" ? when your the 100th guy or gal to rent it ??
What's up with THAT... that's WACKED !!
Even now, you could record the radio, if they would play a WHOLE SONG...
Set up a streamripper, log into your favorite internet radio station, go to bed. Wake up, bust that big fat mp3 up into 50-100 pcs, and burn it !
All you did was record some FREE RADIO !!
Next is the MPAA , with their load of bull and their lawyers.. Movies are makin more FAT MONEY RE-RELEASING old sh*t than you can believe. you can't imagine what I read in the trade journals.. Next will be "blue ray" , and we get to BUY some MORE of the SAME STUFF! AGAIN !!
{soap box mode - OFF}
You would be "supporting" the artists much more if you were to send a donation to their website, fan club, personal promotions, etc. Just like you do with Linux.. feed the ARTIST , not the RIAA money machine.. Or, show your support by s h a r i n g their music with new listeners .. Just like you do with Linux..
73 ke4nt
I'm both a radio operator, and a music industry professional.. And I wholeheartedly support the efforts of fellow musicians everywhere. Independent Music Rules ! Keep It Free - Keep It Real - FREE RADIO !