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Topic: DAMN POWERFULL LINUX!, I have it booting a 486dx/4 laptop< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
satoshi Offline

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Posted: Sep. 27 2003,16:14 QUOTE

Hm, I've gotta try this on my 33mhz 486.  I'm not sure how much RAM it has though..
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squinky Offline

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Posted: Sep. 27 2003,17:42 QUOTE

ouch- low end systems.  I would recommend some mkswap, but if you're not going to be multi-tasking too much, I guess little ram/swap should be fine.  Still, if you do have a few mb's of hd space, a little bit of swap could go a long way.
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g33k Offline

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Posted: Sep. 27 2003,23:30 QUOTE

Quote (satoshi @ Sep. 27 2003,18:14)
Hm, I've gotta try this on my 33mhz 486.  I'm not sure how much RAM it has though..

Do you run the XWindow manager with fluxbox as well?

I am not 3vil, I am r00t
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satoshi Offline

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Posted: Sep. 28 2003,21:59 QUOTE

Hm?  I don't understand what you're saying.  I just said that I gotta try it on my 486 just to try it.  I've got way better machines to do it on, but I wanna see how well it works on a 486.
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g33k Offline

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Posted: Sep. 29 2003,09:41 QUOTE

Quote (satoshi @ Sep. 28 2003,23:59)
Hm?  I don't understand what you're saying.  I just said that I gotta try it on my 486 just to try it.  I've got way better machines to do it on, but I wanna see how well it works on a 486.

Sorry, didn't read your post all to carefully. Guess that's what happens when one sits up two straight days just configuring linux :)

I missunderstood and thought you managed to install it on a 33mhz, not that you where going to try it. My bad. :)

I am not 3vil, I am r00t
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12 replies since Sep. 25 2003,03:55 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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