
Group: Members
Posts: 1428
Joined: Mar. 2004 |
Posted: Aug. 28 2004,06:39 |
okay, I am biting the bullet so to speak.
I am working on a FAQ that will answer as many of the common questions that we get asked as possible, as well as listing EVERY application and what it does.
i will even put my lame HTML coding skills to work and make it indexed. you know, where you click a question at the top of the page and it takes you down to where that question is answered. (I'll use the old FAQ page for reference)
It will take a while, but i will get it done. probably a week if i don't get swamped with homework. but i'd bet on something like 2 or 3 weeks. college sucks like that sometimes. -_-
when i get closer to being done, i'll probably post the beta-FAQ here and ask for suggestions.
eventially, i'll also need to send it to John (if he wants to put it on the site). 
anyways. I'll post updates every now and then as to the completion of the super-faq.
as for right now.
-J.P. SaidinUnleashed
-------------- They say if you play a Microsoft CD backwards, you hear satanic messages. That's nothing, cause if you play it forwards, it installs Windows.
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