
Group: Members
Posts: 16
Joined: Oct. 2003 |
Posted: Dec. 09 2004,21:45 |
I understand some of the frustration of not having xmms and the extension links to xmms being native in Firefox. Being a multimedia guy for a living, the "sound" aspects of DSL were some of my favorite items to play with and enjoy.
If you were "coming over" from M$ , the firefox and xmms union worked seamlessly, just like it's counterpart did... It was familiar, and comfortable....
Same with scite, which for me was the app I was "spoiled" on. With all the extension rebuilding I am doing, the options in scite were memorized, fast and easy. Working between emelfm and scite was very fluent and natural after a time...
So when I was seeing pre-release candidates of 0.9 in testing, I also grumbled a bit.. I was comfortable before using what I had.
This was ..... different.... ------------------------------------------------------------
Now were still into an ZERO series build, but with the new .dsl's available, my desktops are now combinations of what I had before, and working nicely..
I completely understand the need for firefox in the build.
1. It's HOT ! - it's "in the news" , everybody wants it.
2. It's the one browser that "does em' all" . With some web pages, dillo or glinks leave a lot to be desired.
3. This is the DSL 0.9 series, ....that means major changes to the OS will need to be completed BEFORE the 1.0 release, which is coming up soon. If there ever was a time to migrate to an internal firefox, THIS IS THE TIME to make the move..
4. With so many other organizations, affiliations, and co-builds working with, and looking into using DSL for their needs, a "supported" browser should be a top priority. John has done so. Good move guys....
There is no way this could be accomplished without a little give and grief, but we're not really in AGONY here because of the changes... Just some growing pains.....
I also applaud John's and Robert's BOLD maneuver to include Firefox in the DSL distro. Having a "around the world" recognized and supported browser adds value to DSL , especially when it is being compared to so many other linux distros out there today.
Expect further changes to the OS before it goes 1.0
..and just when you folks were getting "comfortable" .. 
73 ke4nt