
Group: Members
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Joined: July 2004 |
Posted: Jan. 14 2005,02:10 |
Because I'm making progress with Bash, and I don't have much desire to take on a project like this with a lnguage I know nothing about. Lua isn't going to be any better anyway...it's a text editing project, best suited for tools like sed and awk.
I was making some progress...I got to a point where I had defined one layer of submenus, and it should be fairly downhillish from here. However, I'm dumping the project for a little while because of something I noticed in Ion3...it sucks with menu items which have dots in them....it completely chokes on the file and reverts to the default menu. This is unacceptable. I don't recall Ion2 doing this, so I'm going to go back to that one....but only after I stop grumbling about it. Ion3 has some big improvements apart from that glitch.
Clacker: I'm using sed mostly.
This is the bulk of what I have at this point. The "append_exec_entry" function is what converts fluxbox [exec] lines into Ion format, except that I use awk to remove the '[exec]' part in another section of the script. I overlooked it in the function and just threw it in at the place I was currently working....I'll fix that eventually. The SUBLEVEL variable really doesn't serve much purpose right now...That's what I'm hoping to use to organize the submenu items in the main menu.
Code Sample | TMP_DIR="/tmp/flux2ion3" FLUXmenu="$HOME/.fluxbox/menu" IONmenu="$HOME/.ion3/cfg-menus.lua"
# test if we can write a temp directory mktmp_failed() { echo -e "can't write to \033[0;31m${TMP_DIR}\033[0m. please make sure the 'TMP_DIR' variable in \033[0;31m$0\033[0m points to a writeable directory." exit 1 }
mkdir -p ${TMP_DIR} &>/dev/null || mktmp_failed
# test if we can read fluxbox menu if [ -r ${FLUXmenu} ]; then echo -e "reading from \033[0;31m${FLUXmenu}\033[0m " else echo "can't read ${FLUXmenu}, exiting" exit 1 fi
# backup ion menu if it already exists [ -r ${IONmenu} ] && mv -f ${IONmenu} "${IONmenu}.bak"
# function to convert [exec] line to 'menuentry' line # FLUX: [exec] (menu_title) {command} # ION: menuentry("menu_title", "ioncore.exec_on(_, 'command')"), append_exec_entry() { sed "s/(/menuentry(\"/ s/)/\",/ s/{/\"ioncore.exec_on(_, \'/ s/}/\')\"),/" }
# start writing the ion menu cat << EOF > ${IONmenu} -- -- Ion menu definitions --
-- Main menu defmenu("mainmenu", { submenu("Programs", "appmenu"), -- menuentry("Lock screen", "ioncore.exec_on(_, 'xlock')"), menuentry("About Ion", "mod_query.show_about_ion(_)"), submenu("Styles", "stylemenu"), submenu("Session", "sessionmenu"), })
-- Application menu defmenu("appmenu", { menuentry("Run...", "mod_query.query_exec(_)"), EOF
# separate submenus SUBLEVEL=0 UNIQUE_ID=0 # just so every submenu is guaranteed to have a unique name cat ${FLUXmenu} |\ while read LINE; do if echo ${LINE} | grep submenu] &>/dev/null; then SUBLEVEL=$((${SUBLEVEL}+1)) UNIQUE_ID=$((${UNIQUE_ID}+1)) SUBMENU="`echo ${LINE} | awk -F \) '{print $1}' | awk -F \( '{print $2}'`" SUBMENUNAME="`echo \"${UNIQUE_ID}-${SUBMENU}_menu\" | sed 's/ /_/g' | sed 's/\//-/g'`" echo "submenu(\"${SUBMENU}\", \"${SUBMENUNAME}\")," >> "${IONmenu}" echo -n "." echo "defmenu(\"${SUBMENUNAME}\", {" > "${TMP_DIR}/${SUBMENUNAME}-${SUBLEVEL}" fi if echo ${LINE} | grep end] >/dev/null; then SUBLEVEL=$((${SUBLEVEL}-1)) fi if echo ${LINE} | grep exec] >/dev/null; then if [ "${SUBLEVEL}" != "0" ]; then echo ${LINE} | awk -F exec] '{print $2}' | append_exec_entry >> "${TMP_DIR}/${SUBMENUNAME}-${SUBLEVEL}" else echo ${LINE} | awk -F exec] '{print $2}' | append_exec_entry >> "${IONmenu}" echo -n "." fi fi done
cat << EOF >> ${IONmenu} })
-- Session control menu defmenu("sessionmenu", { menuentry("Save", "ioncore.snapshot()"), menuentry("Restart", "ioncore.restart()"), menuentry("Restart Fluxbox", "ioncore.restart_other('fluxbox')"), -- menuentry("Restart Fluxbox-0.9.11", "ioncore.restart_other('/opt/fluxbox-0.9.11/bin/fluxbox')"), menuentry("Exit", "ioncore.shutdown()"), })
-- Context menu (frame/client window actions) defctxmenu("WFrame", { menuentry("Close", "WRegion.rqclose_propagate(_, _sub)"), menuentry("Kill", "WClientWin.kill(_sub)", "_sub:WClientWin"), menuentry("(Un)tag", "WRegion.toggle_tag(_sub)", "_sub:non-nil"), menuentry("Attach tagged", "WFrame.attach_tagged(_)"), menuentry("Clear tags", "ioncore.clear_tags()"), menuentry("Window info", "mod_query.show_clientwin(_, _sub)", "_sub:WClientWin"), })
for file in `ls ${TMP_DIR}/`; do cat "${TMP_DIR}/${file}" >> ${IONmenu} echo -E '})' >> ${IONmenu} echo -n "." done
echo " done " rm -rf ${TMP_DIR}
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