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Topic: DSL FAQ Boot camp - Bring a helmet., And a Penguin would be good too...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
SaidinUnleashed Offline

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Posted: Aug. 31 2004,04:41 QUOTE


Before I get too far into this, can I get a mod to Sticky this thread?

It may take a little while to piece all the stuff together for this FAQ, and it would be annoying to have to track down old threads to work. And this thread will be a great place to learn about DSL, as we will be posting a wealth of info here.


This is the (un) Official DSL "Damn Large FAQ" Construction Thread.

This will be an "Pseudo" Open Project, meaning that anyone can submit a contribution, but I reserve the right to not use, edit, correct, shorten, expand upon, or otherwise modify things as I see fit. Most likely, this means nothing to you, but, if I decide to use just part of your piece, or rewrite it to make it clearer, etc, you can't get mad at me. ^_^ By making a submission to this FAQ, you are agreeing to this.

You will be given credit for any part of your piece I decide to use. I don't want to scare people off, I just want you to understand that, if you submit a piece, I may not use it, and even if i do use it, I may not use all of it. Whew.


Alright, I know that Milkshaw and Alsdair Kelly have already volunteered to help with this project, but I would never turn down more volunteers!
BUT! Let me lay down a few ground rules for participating in this thread.

1. This is NOT the place to ask for help with DSL! We have work to do, and off-topic questions will go largely ignored. Post your problems in another thread!

2. This FAQ will cover DSL 0.8.0+. I would make it 0.7.3+, because a lot of people have problems booting 0.8, including myself, but enough is different under the hood between these two versions that what works in 0.7.3 might not work in 0.8.0 and vice-versa. So, if you want to help, find a comp that will boot 0.8.0.

3. If you are new to using DSL and/or Linux, DO NOT post your ideas here untill they have been tried, tested, and approved elsewhere in the forums. To put in in less polite terms NO NEWBS! Experience is required.

4. I use cut-and-paste A LOT. What can I say, I'm lazy. Please make your contribution friendly to cut-and-paste. Use tags like [faq] and [/faq] to mark where the actual contribution starts. Before the piece, you should have a short description of what it is, and afterwards, any other suggestions or comments or whatever.

5. If you know where a question has already been answered in the forums, and that answer still applies to 0.8, copy and paste the text into a post in this thread. In other words, DON'T LINK IT! Not only will it make it easier to find, but it will add to the Knowledge Stockpile®.

6. Hopefully, we will be done with this in a few weeks, but, THERE IS NO SOLID RELEASE DATE! It will be done when it's done. If and when a new version of DSL comes out, we will try to incorporate the new info into the FAQ. Perhaps an addendum or something.

7. Don't volunteer if you aren't going to do the work. If you do, we will consider you AWOL, and shoot you on sight. Okay, so not really, but don't say you are going to help if you aren't going to. It's annoying.

8. Scale back the Linux Geek Terminology©. Explain unusual terms so that a brand-new ex-M$Zombie™ can follow along. We want to help them, not confuse them.


If you decide to help, make sure you have an email address listed in your profile, and preferably and AIM screen name (I chose AIM because DSL already has a compatible messenger app right out of the box) so that myself, whoever decides to help me edit and put together the final product, or perhaps John or Roberts (if they decide to get involved. They are not participating in the FAQ project at the moment, nor do I expect them to do anything except perhaps a comment every now and then) can get in touch directly with you if needed. You do NOT have to post your email address or AIM name in this thread, as a matter of fact, i would prefer if you didn't. I just want to be able to reach you.


Here is the current list off the top of my head of things that I know that I will need outside help with.

*-Monkey Web Server - How to configure, start and run a small site with MWS.

*-ssh server - How to configure, setup, and run the server, and how to log in from a client would be nice, too.

*-BashBurn - How to create data and music CDs, how to pull an ISO image from a CD, how to create a CD from an ISO, etc. If some of these are not available with DSL, just mention that it's not possible. (I haven't actually ever used BashBurn, I just use cdrecord ^_^)

*-Boot Commands - I want a list of every possible command from the
Code Sample
command line and what they do.

*-BetaFTP Server - How to create, host, and access a small FTP site with BFTP.

I'm 100% sure that I will add to this list as I come across things that I don't know how to use.

Anyways, let's roll out the tanks and get this battle started.

Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!!! RAAAASK!!!


They say if you play a Microsoft CD backwards, you hear satanic messages. That's nothing, cause if you play it forwards, it installs Windows.

Unleash the power of the TILDE~~~
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jerome5 Offline

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Posted: Aug. 31 2004,04:55 QUOTE

Q. I am from the UK and my keyboard is messed up how do I fix it?

Quit X (ctrl-alt-backspace)
type "loadmaps uk.kmap.gz"
type "startx"


I didnt see this thread before I started my own, it seems you are a bit mor organised and stuff than I am so i guess you could delete mine :)
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TyphoonMentat Offline

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Posted: Aug. 31 2004,07:05 QUOTE

You can also do the above on a HD install by adding "loadmaps uk.kmap.gz" to your /home/damnsmall/.xinitrc file.
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jerome5 Offline

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Posted: Sep. 01 2004,09:03 QUOTE

so when is this thread going to be stickied?
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Alisdair Kelly Offline

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Posted: Sep. 01 2004,13:29 QUOTE

Kaydet Kelly reporting in!
I think that this also pertains to using Bashburn (which required root also AFAIK)

Q: Why can't I burn a CD with Gcombust as a user?

A: Gcombust is set up for use by root only. So you have some options to explore.

1: To burn a CD when operating as a user, you can sudo su [Path]gcombust to bring up the GUI and make your burn. You may need to adjust this to fit your Path.
Example:  in a terminal sudo /opt/gcombust/bin/gcombust  brings up the GUI.

2.You can use the non-root solution offered in the Gcombust FAQ;
a) create a group for the user(s) who should be allowed to burn (“addgroup cdburn”)
    b) sdd user(s) to this group (”adduser joedoe cdburn”)
c)Change the group owner of the device to cdbrun, and give the group read/write permissions.(“chgrp cdburn /dev/scd0; chmod g+rw”)
Note: check for the proper syntax for the chmod portion of this.

3)You could use a setuid solution by giving the group executable rights and make it suid root. But this is a security risk.
a) create a group and add user(s) as above
b) remove world executable from cdrecord (“Chmod o-x /usr/bin/cdrecord”)
c) make cdrecord setuid root (“chown root /usr/bin/cdrecord; chmod u+s /usr/bin/cdrecord”)
d) make the group of cdrecord the newly created group (“chgrp cdburn /usr/bin/cdrecord”) Now, in theory, only the user(s) in the cdburn group can execute cdrecord, and it will be executed with root priviligies.


(or you  can call me Al)
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