
Group: Members
Posts: 2329
Joined: Oct. 2003 |
Posted: Feb. 22 2005,09:36 |
at home: 4 laptops , PIII-800 , PII-233, PII-233, P100 4 desktops , Dual PIII-1000@1077, Dual Celeron 566@850, Ath900, Ath1600 3 servers , Celeron333 OGG/MP3, P2-500 Web/File, P133 (running LPR)
at studio: 2 desktops Dual PIII-933's, Dual 1.9GB AthMP's 2 servers PII-450 Web/File , Ath750
in the field: 5 desktops , In-Laws, friends, friends of friends, friends of sons 1 laptop , Family 1 server , Family file server
in progress: 1 in the jeep - Mini-ITX epia5000 - 1GB USBKey, wireless USB - FM TXmitter
countless custom CD's and DVD given away.. who knows.
Way to go Clivesay !!!
73 ke4nt