Posted: July 27 2005,12:22 |
Hi all!
I have a problem. I have burn the DSL 1.3 .iso to cdrw, then reboot. I have an errorfree copy, I have compared it to other downloaded images. At the bootscreen I press <Enter> and the bootprocess begin, a white process bar will be shown, but it hangs at few %. I have tried "dsl nodma", "failboot" and other options. Using "failboot" option results, that I have some info, the system starts to boot, hw-s will be detected, more lines are written, the last line inform me, that my IDE controller (INTEL ICH5) is in nativ mode, then the process hangs again
My testconfig: Abit IC7, P4 2,6NW, 512MB DDR400, C3D R9600NonPro 128MB 128bit, 20GB ATA100 hdd, LG CDRW drive, 10/100 PCI RTL8139 netcard. Nothing is overclocked and the SATA, Firewire controller are disabled in BIOS. I am newbie in linux Please help!