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Topic: LiveCD Boot with USB Pendrive Backup, Help with saving options< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
mowestusa Offline

Group: Members
Posts: 8
Joined: Aug. 2004
Posted: Aug. 28 2004,14:54 QUOTE


As a Linux newbie I'm very excited about DSL. I runs so fast on my P 2.8 512 ram Toshiba Laptop.

However, I have some questions about saving your options. I've read the quick start several times and I've tried to read every post on this topic that I can find, but I'm still struggling to understand what needs to be done.

My Toshiba Laptop is not owned by me, so I wanted to be able to use Linux at times to match some of the things I'm doing and learning at home. I would like to use DSL as a LiveCD boot, but have the options remembered on my USB Pendrive. I used MyDSL GUI to down load onto the pendrive Bluefish and some of the themes. All of that worked great. Now could someone walk me through step by step as to what I need to do so that when I boot up the LiveCD again all of my user configurations are reloaded. I know that filetool.lst has something to do with it, but I don't understand how I'm supposed to modify it so that it sees the user options. So here is some questions.

1. What editing do I want to do to filetool.lst?
2. Where do I store this edited copy?
3. How do I store the theme I've picked?
4. How do I store the printer I configure?
5. How do I store the sound options?
6. What do I do at boot-up so that all those options are seen and started automatically?
7. Can I use my pendrive as the storage location for all of these options mention above?

My thanks to anyone who can help this newbie join the linux world on every computer that I use. I'm having some struggles with Mepis on my home computer, but I've asked those questions on their board. I'm really excited about learn and using Linux regularly, both DSL and Mepis have opened my eyes to see that there are good options outside of Windows XP.

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