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Topic: Does DSL write *anything* to the hdd?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
curaga Offline

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Posted: May 05 2007,10:15 QUOTE

Okay. 304, use rc.firewall + Opera + Tor + Privoxy...

There's no such thing as life. Those mean little jocks invented it ;)
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WDef Offline

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Posted: May 05 2007,20:22 QUOTE

I agree with whoever was quoting Monty Python is describing this as a very silly thread.

DSL is just a live cd.  Half the point of livecds is not to write to the hard drive unless you want to.

There are many and varied very legitimate reasons for wanting to use privacy software etc and to protect sensitive data from recovery.  Just ask anyone working in new product development (as I do).

And let's not forget that organized crime is also interested in your private data - especially for identity and credit card fraud.  And they have considerable resources at their disposal, equal at least to your average three letter agency (though their management tends to be somewhat out of date! - some mafia heads have been busted because of sloppy encryption and password security - and a good thing too)

The original poster was silly enough to crap on about evading law enforcement, totally invalidating all the utterly non-criminal uses for this technology.  Usually this type of poster is a troll.

It's just this sort of trolling that led to all sorts of silly, idiotic and unworkable laws being considered to limit the uses of encryption and weaken your rights to lead any kind of private non-Orwellian existence, that's if you have any of those left at all since all the 911 paranoia.

Strong encryption and privacy software is all around you and is essential for modern business to function.  It's used when you're at the ATM doing your banking.  It's absolutely essential for https so you can enter private details relatively safely.  That's why the silly laws weren't passed or have been largely abandoned - business can't get along without encryption.

Anyway, there are livecds specifically designed for forensic work and this sort of thing.  dsl's not the best choice.
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304 Offline

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Posted: May 06 2007,09:55 QUOTE

Quote (curaga @ May 05 2007,06:15)
Okay. 304, use rc.firewall + Opera + Tor + Privoxy...

Quote (WDef @ May 05 2007,16:22)
Anyway, there are livecds specifically designed for forensic work and this sort of thing.  dsl's not the best choice.
Will look into both suggestions. Thanks.

Quote (WDef @ May 05 2007,06:15)
The original poster was silly enough to crap on about evading law enforcement
Yeah. I've learnt that some days it's easier to just use people than to be honest with them. That's pretty sad really.
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mikshaw Offline

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Posted: May 06 2007,13:22 QUOTE

You're not being dishonest if you simply do not explain your motivation. The term "too much information" (TMI) was developed years ago by science type people in expensive laboratories as a treatment for those who feel the need to explain everything in detail.

Nobody needs to know; nobody wants to know. There's no people-using involved.

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lucky13 Offline

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Posted: May 08 2007,07:55 QUOTE

And let's not forget that organized crime is also interested in your private data - especially for identity and credit card fraud.  And they have considerable resources at their disposal, equal at least to your average three letter agency...

Beat ya to that punch:
(Hopefully my host is once again stable for longer than a week and the links work; if not, go to my page and scroll down to Why I Like Tor.)

You're not being dishonest if you simply do not explain your motivation.

Correct, and that would absolve others from being asked to support questionable (ab)use of technology.

ahh.. so it's about forcing your opinon on them then?

No, it's about not aiding those who are known bad apples. You can find your own assistance and your own information without tainting others.

As surprising as it may be...

It isn't surprising, especially given my proximity to and familiarity with an international border, travel, etc. Pretty safe bet you're not from one of those other countries you allude to.

feel free to join up and preach to the guys on there.

What guys? I only see ads.

Suffering from some of those side effects wouldn't be acceptable.

But shriveled testicles would be worth it? Acne? Increased risk of incidence of manic rage, early heart attack, etc.?

Eat well, train right, and you won't need to worry about your vanishing balls or break any laws to "carry firefighters." I think that's like the rape case the OP mentioned earlier -- a feeble pretext for trying to justify bad behavior, as though terrorists never had plans for making IEDs or car bombs to cause mass carnage before the rape. You don't need to bulk up to carry firefighters, you need to do that to satisfy your own vanity.

If you're now going to do a backflip

There's no backflip. The OP doesn't know what my views on any issues related to crimes, particularly nonviolent crimes, are. I oppose helping those who openly and explicitly ask for help in breaking laws, as well against assisting those who might suspected with a high degree of likelihood will commit crimes, without respect for the nature or severity of the crime.

You came here and said it's about anabolic steroids. Who knows if that's the truth. Maybe that's your cover for something much less appealing to even the most libertine sensibilities here.

The OP said he would help terrorists in certain cases and mentioned a rape (which is being prosecuted -- and if it's the case I'm thinking of, with death penalty on the table) as an example even if it would cause harm to civilians. I have MUCH less respect for that (and zero for him now) than I have for you. Don't take any comfort in that because you're both contemptible; I just have a lot more of it for anyone who thinks terrorists need reasons like rape to kill and maim others and who would use that particular example in the context of a question about where he would -- or in this case, would NOT -- draw a line and would consider offering assistance.

I'm sure it'll be a thorn in your side to know that I don't mind contributing financially

No, it won't be a thorn (I don't particularly believe you about it, either). Train smarter and just send the money you were going to use for illegal drugs to DSL. That wouldn't be a thorn, it would be a sign that you have better judgment and character than I think you do.

"It felt kind of like having a pitbull terrier on my rear end."
-- meo (copyright(c)2008, all rights reserved)
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