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Topic: How to connect on LAN?, Inadequate knowledge/information (again)< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
WoofyDugfock Offline

Group: Members
Posts: 146
Joined: Sep. 2004
Posted: Sep. 24 2004,07:51 QUOTE

Me again with another unix virgin question.

OK so I can now edit and set wgetrc and dillorc to my web proxy's internal ip thanks to the patient assistance of henk1955.

But how/where do I enter my network logon information as in the windows logon screen (network name, username, password)? I tried fooling around with the net tools (which seem geared only to PPP dialup) to no avail.

The windows logon screen contains the name of our network in the pulldown menu in the form "abc-freddo"

DSL finds my ethernet card without problem, and apparently(?) can dhcp broadcast.

(I don't want to keep screwing this and possibly attempting incorrect logons in case they think I'm a bad guy and kick my machine off the network!!!). Thanks again in advance for any help.


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Posted: Sep. 24 2004,09:10 QUOTE

My profound APOLOGIES everyone - I finally found the information I needed elsewhere on the board.

The problem was that, in my blissful ignorance, I was selecting "yes" to using dhcp broadcast in the netconfig thingy.  Of course I have a fixed internal ip (NAT) on our LAN, so this is not automatically given to my pc by our hub.

Selecting "no" to this question, I am able to enter the fixed internal ip, net mask, default gateway (for me the same as the proxy). The default nameserver the app then flung up works.

Clearly the windows login stuff is not relevant (unless perhaps I want to access our shared folders on the server?)

ATTENTION OTHER SUFFERING NEWBIES: you can get all these numbers (you don't need to know what they mean) by opening a command prompt in Windows and typing

ipconfig -all

And there they all are. After this you still need to edit your web proxy settings (if relevant - see previous post).

(This all really needs to be in a NEWBIE FAQ, doesn't it? It would save a lot of posting and help DSL get to the masses).

Hoorah! No posting via DSL!!!! Free at llast from the evil MS empire - at last! I am falling in love with *nix! And dsl absolutely SCREAMS with speed on this PIII.  I can't wait to recommission an old pc with it.
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Posted: Sep. 24 2004,09:11 QUOTE

PS: correction - that's "NOW posting via DSL ..."
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