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Topic: Using DSL for an LCD Picture-Frame project< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
beakmyn Offline

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Posted: Nov. 05 2004,18:08 QUOTE

I've got DSL running on mine (Me!=Adam) I didn't want to use Xandros because I didn't want to install bittorrent to download Xandros

I'm just trying to use his scripts but I keep getting permission denied when I try to run them as root or as user dsl. I'm guessing I have to change the permissions on them but don't know how or to what.

I created a sym link in rc3 and rc5 since it appears dsl defaults to run level 5.

Any help would be appreciated. I'll document the procedure whence it's working for others and post pictures of my picture frame.

<slap hand on forehead>
chmod u+x <scriptname>
Can't execute if it's not executable!

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beakmyn Offline

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Posted: Nov. 05 2004,19:13 QUOTE

Ok so here's the deal: I'm 98% running.

How To: current version 0.8.3
Boot DSL
fb800x600 noscsi noapm noapic expert
I chose a framebuffer X not VESA (ymmv)
Install DSL to your HD
Enable APT [Apps > tools > enable APT]

open a terminal window
# apt-get install feh unclutter
Feh image viewer is now installed
unclutter blanks out the mouse cursor for you

Create the Scripts from AdamFranco.comSlideshow Scripts

Those would be
The init script at /etc/init.d/picframe
Code Sample

for "export HOME=/root" I put export HOME=/home/dsl

since when I boot dsl it automatically logs in the user dsl
Code Sample

echo "Hello there mousey." > /dev/mouse
is /dev/psaux on my laptop

chmod u+x <scriptname>
for the 3 scripts this makes them executable so you don't a nasty 'Permission denied' error trying to run them

As su edit your XF86Config file and in the screen section add
Code Sample

BlankTime     0


To get the start the slideshow on boot, make a link in either/both of /etc/rc2.d/ or /etc/rc3.d/. All of the links in /etc/rc2.d/ are called with "start" when booting into runlevel 2 or higher. The links in /etc/rc3.d/ are called with "start" when booting into runlevel 3 or higher. The runlevel is set in /etc/inittab. Anyway, I am running the machine at runlevel 3 and I made a link called "S99picframe" that links to my init scrip. The command to do this is:

Looking at the DSL inittab it appears the default runlevel is 5
so I created a symbolic link in rc5.d also

So after all this I reboot my laptop. DSL boots, The picture frame script runs. Feh starts up, unclutter hides my mouse, and image shows up! :)Yeah, then the images dissappears and fluxbox starts??  :( :(. What happened?

I'm thinking I forgot to get rid of fluxbox somewhere. I'm looking into it.

.xinitrc is calling fluxbox # to comment it out.

Have you seen my Damn Small Digital Picture frame?
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AwPhuch Offline

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Posted: Nov. 06 2004,00:56 QUOTE

Goat a picture of that puppy running??


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beakmyn Offline

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Posted: Nov. 06 2004,01:11 QUOTE

Monday. It's not complety custom yet. Here's the specs:

Digital Hinote VP 575
4 GB hard drive
80 MB Ram
12.1 TFT display 800x600

This is the 2nd version. The motherboard on the first one went flakey. Right now the laptop is intact as far as the case goes. The LCD is custom mounted to a custom cut matte board. The matte only cost me $10 to get cut. I had my matte cut to include the LCD status display on the side. You'll see what I mean when I post pictures of it. Attached is a stock photo of the 500 series. I plan to remove the laptop from its case once it's working and mount it to the backing plate. I found that with the help a dremel tool I can remove the the 'screw lugs' from the plastic laptop case and then hot glue them to the frame backing. That way it's secure and mounted in all the original holes. What's nice is this unit is plenty fast for DSL and  there's no fan to make noise.

Have you seen my Damn Small Digital Picture frame?
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AwPhuch Offline

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Posted: Nov. 06 2004,04:04 QUOTE

Are you going to keep the keyboard just hidden?


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