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Topic: control panel? in DSL 0.8.3?, how to start it up< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Patrick Offline

Group: Members
Posts: 333
Joined: Sep. 2004
Posted: Oct. 30 2004,13:06 QUOTE

I can't start the control panel in DSLK 0.8.3! (not in the menu) Is there a other way? (xterm?) What could be wrong with my DSL? (is it a bug?)

Some files: (i use fluxbox 0.9.9)


xset s off s noblank
grep enhance /proc/cmdline >/dev/null
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
enhance &>/dev/null &
#/cdrom/keep/info &
xtdesk &
/home/dsl/enhance &
/usr/bin/chbg ~/chbg_scenario &
wmbiff &
/cdrom/keep/Dockable/usr/bin/wmclockmon &
/cdrom/keep/Dockable/usr/bin/wmsmixer -w&
/cdrom/keep/Dockable/usr/bin/wmmon &
/cdrom/keep/Dockable/usr/bin/wmcdplay -w&
/usr/bin/wmifinfo &
/usr/bin/wmbutton &
#/usr/bin/wmweather+ -animate -tempc -mps -atm -cm &
/usr/bin/wmpinboard -w &
/opt/amsn/amsn &


#if [ -z "$SSH" ]; then startx; fi


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
`killall -9 bbpager &>/dev/null`;
system("bbpager &");
my $vars = `ps ax &`;
unless ( $vars =~/xtdesk/) {
system("xtdesk &>/dev/null &");
#unless ( $vars =~/wmcpuload/) {
#system("wmcpuload &>/dev/null &" )
unless ( $vars =~/wmnet/) {
system("wmnet -w &>/dev/null &" )
unless ( $vars =~/ {
system(" &>/dev/null &" )
#unless ( $vars =~/asmem/) {
#system("asmem -withdrawn -bg black -fg white &>/dev/null &" )
#unless ( $vars =~/wmix/) {
#system("wmix &>/dev/null &" )


# put other system startup command here
mount /cdrom -o remount,rw
mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1
mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/hda2
mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb1
mount /dev/hdb2 /mnt/hdb2
mount /dev/hdb3 /mnt/hdb3
mount /dev/hdb4 /mnt/hdb4
mount /dev/hdb5 /mnt/hdb5
mount /dev/hdb6 /mnt/hdb6
mount /dev/hdb7 /mnt/hdb7
mount /dev/hdb8 /mnt/hdb8
#chown -R 1001:50 /home/dsl
cd /cdrom/keep/ChangeBackground
dpkg -i *.deb
cd ramdisk/home/dsl

Any idea's?

Usb-stick sandisk cruzer titanium 512 Mb:
DSL 2.3 (final)
Firefox (Mozilla 1.06)
WM -biff  -cdplay -clockmon -smixer -usic -top -net -biff -ifinfo -cpuload
gps vnc LinNeighborhood (samba) QtParted bdc
xawtv imagemagick xplanet
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ke4nt1 Offline

Group: Members
Posts: 2329
Joined: Oct. 2003
Posted: Oct. 30 2004,15:11 QUOTE

Not sure what your describing as your challenge..
Is the DSLPanel icon on your desktop not responding  ?
You can reach it by running  ' cpanel ' in a shell ..

To get your icons working again, try running  ' xtdesk '
That will rebuild your desktop ..
If it doesn't succeed , I'd look at
the contents of your backup for a possible conflict ..

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Patrick Offline

Group: Members
Posts: 333
Joined: Sep. 2004
Posted: Oct. 30 2004,15:59 QUOTE

That was the problem. i backup ~-.fluxbox and in doing so the menu doesn't get update by the new dsl083/image. i isobusted it and then i just copied it - overwriting the old image - to my usb-stick

Usb-stick sandisk cruzer titanium 512 Mb:
DSL 2.3 (final)
Firefox (Mozilla 1.06)
WM -biff  -cdplay -clockmon -smixer -usic -top -net -biff -ifinfo -cpuload
gps vnc LinNeighborhood (samba) QtParted bdc
xawtv imagemagick xplanet
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Profile PM WEB 
2 replies since Oct. 30 2004,13:06 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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