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Topic: Help with Automatically Loading App at Startup< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Max Offline

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Posted: Dec. 12 2004,03:02 QUOTE

Note that if the tn5250 app creates some kind of config file (so you don't always have to type in the system name or IP address) then you can back that up too.  Just list the config file in the filetool.lst file also and THEN do the system backup.

Let me know how it works.  If all is well, you can submit the 5250 app to be added to the repsoitory.  I've got 3 or 4 AS400 systems that I access and it would be a handy app to have.

Using DSL on: IBM T42, IBM 560x, Dell Dimension CPx
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BuGaLoU Offline

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Posted: Dec. 12 2004,14:17 QUOTE

Ok, I fell into a silly little snag.  I am unable to locate the deb2dsl script.  I searched the forum and also googled it but I haven't come up with anything.  Can anyone point me int he right direction?
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clivesay Offline

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Posted: Dec. 12 2004,14:23 QUOTE

Sure. It's right HERE

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BuGaLoU Offline

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Posted: Dec. 12 2004,14:32 QUOTE

Quote (clivesay @ Dec. 12 2004,09:23)
Sure. It's right HERE


Thank you! :)
I am off to try this now, wish me luck!
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BuGaLoU Offline

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Posted: Dec. 12 2004,19:02 QUOTE

ok, I seem to have it working.  One small problem though.  Since the tn5250 emulator can only run in 27x132 it is really tiny on the console of DSL.  How do I make the console larger by default so it is full screen?  Note I am not running in fluxbox, just from the console.
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19 replies since Dec. 11 2004,23:06 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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