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Topic: How to burn a DVD+RW ?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
ke4nt1 Offline

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Posted: Dec. 15 2004,21:35 QUOTE

dvdrtools works just like cdrecord..
It does not REQUIRE an iso...

An .iso is only one way to use it to burn DSL disks.

And as soon as you use the "apt-get install dvdrtools" command
in a root shell, it is ready to use, no "compiling" necessary..

Here are the "help" options to look over before installing.

root@box:~# dvdrecord --help > help
dvdrecord: Usage: dvdrecord [options] track1...trackn
       -version        print version information and exit
       dev=target      SCSI target to use as CD/DVD-Recorder
       timeout=#       set the default SCSI command timeout to #.
       debug=#,-d      Set to # or increment misc debug level
       kdebug=#,kd=#   do Kernel debugging
       -verbose,-v     increment general verbose level by one
       -Verbose,-V     increment SCSI command transport verbose level by one
       -silent,-s      do not print status of failed SCSI commands
       driver=name     user supplied driver name, use with extreme care
       driveropts=opt  a comma separated list of driver specific options
       -checkdrive     check if a driver for the drive is present
       -prcap          print drive capabilities for MMC compliant drives
       -inq            do an inquiry for the drive and exit
       -scanbus        scan the SCSI bus and exit
       -reset          reset the SCSI bus with the cdrecorder (if possible)
       -overburn       allow to write more than the official size of a medium
       -ignsize        ignore the known size of a medium (may cause problems)
       -useinfo        use *.inf files to overwrite audio options.
       speed=#         set speed of drive
       blank=type      blank a CD-RW disc (see blank=help)
       fs=#            Set fifo size to # (0 to disable, default is 4 MB)
       -load           load the disk and exit (works only with tray loader)
       -eject          eject the disk after doing the work
       -dummy          do everything with laser turned off
       -msinfo         retrieve multi-session info for mkisofs >= 1.10
       -toc            retrieve and print TOC/PMA data
       -atip           retrieve and print ATIP data
       -multi          generate a TOC that allows multi session
                       In this case default track type is CD-ROM XA2
       -fix            fixate a corrupt or unfixated disk (generate a TOC)
       -nofix          do not fixate disk after writing tracks
       -waiti          wait until input is available before opening SCSI
       -force          force to continue on some errors to allow blanking bad disks
       -dao            Write disk in DAO mode. This option will be replaced in the future.
       -raw            Write disk in RAW mode. This option will be replaced in the future.
       -raw96r         Write disk in RAW/RAW96R mode. This option will be replaced in the future.
       -raw96p         Write disk in RAW/RAW96P mode. This option will be replaced in the future.
       -raw16          Write disk in RAW/RAW16 mode. This option will be replaced in the future.
       tsize=#         Length of valid data in next track
       padsize=#       Amount of padding for next track
       pregap=#        Amount of pre-gap sectors before next track
       defpregap=#     Amount of pre-gap sectors for all but track #1
       mcn=text        Set the media catalog number for this CD to 'text'
       isrc=text       Set the ISRC number for the next track to 'text'
       index=list      Set the index list for the next track to 'list'
       -text           Write CD-Text from information from *.inf files
       textfile=name   Set the file with CD-Text data to 'name'
       -audio          Subsequent tracks are CD-DA audio tracks
       -data           Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM data mode 1 (default)
       -mode2          Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM data mode 2
       -xa1            Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM XA mode 1
       -xa2            Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM XA mode 2
       -cdi            Subsequent tracks are CDI tracks
       -isosize        Use iso9660 file system size for next data track
       -preemp         Audio tracks are mastered with 50/15 µs preemphasis
       -nopreemp       Audio tracks are mastered with no preemphasis (default)
       -copy           Audio tracks have unlimited copy permission
       -nocopy         Audio tracks may only be copied once for personal use (default)
       -scms           Audio tracks willl not not have any copy permission at all
       -pad            Pad data tracks with 15 zeroed sectors
                       Pad audio tracks to a multiple of 2352 bytes
       -nopad          Do not pad data tracks (default)
       -shorttrack     Subsequent tracks may be non Red Book < 4 seconds if in DAO mode
       -noshorttrack   Subsequent tracks must be >= 4 seconds
       -swab           Audio data source is byte-swapped (little-endian/Intel)
       -gui            Make output more GUI- (and less human-) readable
       -delay x        Set delay before writing to x seconds (default: 9)
The type of the first track is used for the toc type.
Currently only form 1 tracks are supported.

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quezako Offline

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Posted: Dec. 15 2004,21:57 QUOTE

I do not have internet or lan connection on this laptop, apt-get will work ?
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quezako Offline

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Posted: Dec. 15 2004,22:23 QUOTE

I don't understand what is the syntax to burn a directory instead of a .iso ?

I have headache x_x
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quezako Offline

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Posted: Dec. 16 2004,18:19 QUOTE

UP! :)
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