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Topic: .wmmclockmonrc, MessageCmd =< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Patrick Offline

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Posted: Nov. 22 2004,12:37 QUOTE

I can make a application to start when there is an alarm in wmclockmon (with MessageCMD) but i can't get it to open a document.

The whole purpose of it all is to make a screen popup when there is an alarm (with a text of course like: "Time to take a break!")

This is what my .wmmclockmonrc looks like (part of it)

Backlight = Off
Blink = Yes
H12 = False
TimeMode = 0
MessageCmd = /usr/local/bin/pw
Locale = Yes
ShowCal = Yes
CalAlrms = On
Alarm = On@15:45-1

Any hints?

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Patrick Offline

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Posted: Nov. 22 2004,13:17 QUOTE

Sorry... I worked it out...

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WM -biff  -cdplay -clockmon -smixer -usic -top -net -biff -ifinfo -cpuload
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ke4nt1 Offline

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Posted: Nov. 22 2004,13:21 QUOTE

Right above the "MessageCmd"  line in the .wmclockmonrc ,
there is a "Command" line ..
I put this ...

exec /usr/local/bin/pw

and it opened my document.
That same syntax wouldn't work for the MessageCmd line ..

If you still need a " play " to execute, place them both on the line
with a  ;  between the commands ..

Looks like you made it work, but thanks for sharing ..
The wmclockmon seems more functional than wmclock..
How about an extension for the rest of us ?

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2 replies since Nov. 22 2004,12:37 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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