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Topic: Timezone, How do you change timezone in DSL?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
roberts Offline

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Posted: Nov. 02 2004,02:13 QUOTE

Because of size restrictions DSL uses local time as user Henk has pointed out.
You can set the time in the bios, or you can use the date command followed by the hwclock command, or use the site that Henk has shared with us. Note: you can get "help" by using "--help" option, e.g.,  

date --help
hwclock --help


date 11011805
hwclock -wl

This will set the system date and then write that value to the hardware clock.
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ravngundersen Offline

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Posted: Nov. 02 2004,08:57 QUOTE

Problem is when dealing with mysql and others, that it looks at the timezone and updates time values according. So in the database the time values will be off with X hours.
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16 replies since Oct. 08 2004,12:55 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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