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Topic: Copy disks FAST, Like DiskCopyFast ()Dos-tool)< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Patrick Offline

Group: Members
Posts: 333
Joined: Sep. 2004
Posted: Oct. 20 2004,17:47 QUOTE

I am looking to replace some dos-tools i've got on my usb-stick with linux app's:

Partition Quest/Magic (QTparted doesn't work in DSL just yet)
Disk Copy Fast (DCF) (?)
Uneraser (restore deleted files on a NTFS/FAT partition) (?)

For now i am looking to replace DCF. DCF can copy disk's by only copying the data (not the empty space). You can also increase the speed by choosing not to compare/format the new disk. Works great! But i want an all Linux usb-stick. (so i can eventualy delete the dos-tools/system-files and boot with a linux bootloader in stead off loadlin.

Can someone get me on track?

Usb-stick sandisk cruzer titanium 512 Mb:
DSL 2.3 (final)
Firefox (Mozilla 1.06)
WM -biff  -cdplay -clockmon -smixer -usic -top -net -biff -ifinfo -cpuload
gps vnc LinNeighborhood (samba) QtParted bdc
xawtv imagemagick xplanet
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Patrick Offline

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Posted: Oct. 20 2004,18:48 QUOTE

Found a script to copy fast (48 seconds) diskettes. (what i want to add is: DCF (Dos-tool)  is faster because it copies only the filled parts of the disk, and it can make disk-images! But i am happy with this script anyway)

# Shellscript: diskcopy - duplicate a 3.5" floppy disk
# Author     : Heiner Steven <>
# Date       : 1995-06-03
# Category   : System Administration
# SCCS-Id.   : @(#) diskcopy 1.3 04/02/18
# Portability
# Tested with Solaris 2.5, (SuSE) Linux 5.2.
# Should work with AT&T System V Release 4

PN=`basename "$0"` # program name

# Determine the device name of a 3.5" floppy device
# (Solaris, Linux, System V Release 4)

for floppydev in "$FLOPPY" /dev/rfd0 /dev/fd0 /dev/dsk/f03ht
   [ -c "$floppydev" ] || [ -b "$floppydev" ] || continue
: ${FLOPPY:=/dev/rfd0}

: ${EJECT:=eject} # Command to eject floppy from drive


Usage () {
   echo "$PN - duplicate 3.5\" floppy disks, $VER (hs '95)
usage: $PN source target

The default source device is FLOPPY=$FLOPPY. If no target
device is specified, a temporary file is used. If a target
device is given, a two-drive-copy is assumed." >&2
   exit 1

Msg () {
   for i
   do echo "$i" >&2

Fatal () { Msg "$@"; exit 1; }

# echon - "echo" without newline
echon () {
   if [ X"$ECHON" = X ]
# Determine how to "echo" without newline: "echo -n" or "echo ...\c"
if [ X`echo -n` = X-n ]
then ECHON=echo; NNL="\c"
else ECHON="echo -n"; NNL=""

   $ECHON "$*$NNL"

GetYN () {
   while :
       echo >&2
echon >&2 "$@"
    read answer || exit 2
case "$answer" in
   [yYjJ]*) return 0;;
   [nN]*) return 1;;
   [qQ]*) exit 0;
Msg "" "Enter 'y' for yes or 'n' for no" "Please try again"

# Try to eject floppy disk. If the eject command fails, do not try
# again (Linux/SVR4 do not have an "eject" command)

EjectFloppy () { ($EJECT) >/dev/null 2>&1|| EJECT=; }

while [ $# -gt 0 ]
   case "$1" in
--) shift; break;;
-h) Usage;;
-*) Usage;;
*) break;; # First file name

if [ $# -gt 2 ]
then Usage
elif [ $# -ge 2 ]
then Out="$2"
elif [ $# -ge 1 ]
then FLOPPY="$1"

[ "$FLOPPY" = "$Out" ] && Fatal "cannot read and write to the same device"

trap "rm -f $Tmp > /dev/null 2>&1" 0
trap "exit 2" 1 2 3 15

while GetYN "Copy Disk $n (y/n, q)? "
   Msg "Reading Disk $n..."
   if dd if=$FLOPPY of=$Out ibs=$DiskBS obs=$FileBS
if [ "$Out" = "$Tmp" ]
   while GetYN "WRITE new Copy $Copy (y/n, q)? "
       Msg "Writing copy $Copy..."
    if dd if=$Out ibs=$FileBS of=$FLOPPY obs=$DiskBS
   Msg "Copy $Copy successfully written."
   Copy=`expr ${Copy:-1} + 1`
   Msg "" "Could not write to floppy disk!" \
    "Please check the disk drive, and try again"
Msg "" "Cannot read floppy disk!" \
   "Please check the disk drive, and try again"
   n=`expr ${n:-1} + 1`


Usb-stick sandisk cruzer titanium 512 Mb:
DSL 2.3 (final)
Firefox (Mozilla 1.06)
WM -biff  -cdplay -clockmon -smixer -usic -top -net -biff -ifinfo -cpuload
gps vnc LinNeighborhood (samba) QtParted bdc
xawtv imagemagick xplanet
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AwPhuch Offline

Group: Members
Posts: 1404
Joined: April 2004
Posted: Oct. 21 2004,16:55 QUOTE

Awesome job man....very clean...


-------------- <-- Where do you use DSL? <-- Ultimate firewall for the world! <--My BOINC stats!
./S99LinuxRevolution start
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