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Topic: booting 0.8.2 from floppy< Next Oldest | Next Newest >

Posted: Oct. 17 2004,03:04 QUOTE

Yee Hah!

Thanks for the help, all.

I followed the directions on writing the boot image to the floppy
and it came up!

Of course, being an old laptop, the original image was a mess, but...

I searched the forums and found the references to entering
'fb800x600'.  Used that at boot and it's thing of beauty.

Now to squeeze a couple hundred MBytes of hard drive out of this
old beastie and do a hard drive install (plus see if it'll run my
orinoco gold wireless card)

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ke4nt1 Offline

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Posted: Oct. 17 2004,04:13 QUOTE

The orinoco wireless card should "pretty much" be a plug-n-play operation..

Lots of success stories here with that card..

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oldguy Offline

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Posted: Oct. 17 2004,16:57 QUOTE

I saw the orinoco reference while it was shutting down, so
I guess I'm about ready to run.

Now to get my wireless LAN going again...
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7 replies since Oct. 13 2004,02:13 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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