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Topic: firefox, openoffice and wlan, howto install it< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
doom4 Offline

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Posted: Oct. 12 2004,08:10 QUOTE

everything works fine now for my only the wlan card dont work. where to put the firmwere that the module find it?

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john73 Offline

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Posted: Oct. 17 2004,04:59 QUOTE

Actually Firefox 1.01Pre needs GTK2 and is in the Debian experimental repository, its actually smaller and more stable than 0.93, however most the dependacies are all in the unstable and exp branches.  In order to get it you will have to go and edit your Apt configuration to include the experimental and unstable  branches in order to get the latest version of Firefox.  /etc/apt/sources.list is the file you need to edit. has a list of what you will need.

Once you have done this you will open a shell and then 'apt-get install mozilla-firefox' , the package will break and then starting with libpango apt-get install all the broken dependancies until you get GTK 2.0 and other missing dependancies- this may break/cause apt to remove some other aps..

Finally you either apt-get install it again or you download the GTK installer to a place like  /root or /home (Name of the user)  unpack it using the tar command from a terminal session, cd to the new directory,b su or sudo root, and run the installer ./ firefox-installer.  I assume you already have downloaded the installer so another download isn't needed.

Now is all this worth it?  Well the .9X version has several critical security flaws in it which is fixed in the 1.XPre versions.
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ke4nt1 Offline

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Posted: Oct. 17 2004,05:11 QUOTE

The firefox 0.10.1 patched ( 1.0PR ) is in the testing area of the repository.
It already includes the GTK2 and installer..
It is already configured to work with the flash downloader, and a new java,
" jre-1_5_0.tar.gz"  is also there for download. It works with Firefox-1.0PR

No need to have apt-get remove any packages that gtk 1.2 apps may need.

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john73 Offline

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Posted: Oct. 17 2004,06:01 QUOTE

I just noticed that.  Did all the hard work for us- he he he.

A question...  as I have yet to try this.  You have Inkscape already in the testing directory.  Inkscape has a nightly Autopackage, does it work?  

May as well try it - with something smaller of course like supertux.
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john73 Offline

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Posted: Oct. 17 2004,06:58 QUOTE

Autopackge fails,

error is wget --cache=off

could try to download the autopackage support code manually as wget-ssl conflicts with wget.
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