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Topic: PHP, Setup on HD install.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Bad Command Offline

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Posted: Sep. 27 2004,02:53 QUOTE

I've searched the forum and online but cant
seem to get PHP to work with monkey. Can
anyone tell me how they got it working.
(DSL version .8.1.1  if there is anything

Thanks in advance.
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reidar Offline

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Posted: Sep. 27 2004,07:19 QUOTE

I got php to work both from a live-cd and hd-install. I don't think there is a trick really, only that you have to install php before you startup monkey. I used the php-extension from the mydsl-repository, and it installed as usual, either by clicking a button in the mydsl menu, or by clicking the mydsl-button in emelfm if you have downloaded the to a usb-stick or something. To test if php is working you can create a test.php file and put it in your /opt/monkey-0.8.2/htdocs folder. The file could look like this:


<?php phpinfo(); ?>


Then you can startup dillo and get to the page: http://localhost/test.php
If it displays correctly it should give you lots of information about php and your system, and then this is an indication that php is successfully installed.

This worked for me at least, and I don't know of any other "tricks"...

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Bad Command Offline

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Posted: Sep. 28 2004,00:22 QUOTE

Thanks missed the php in the MyDSL. Well that took
about......10 seconds :)
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MadRabies Offline

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Posted: Oct. 17 2004,05:57 QUOTE

This is well and good, however...

How do you configure PHP? I noticed there was no php.ini file after I installed PHP. I did see an executable called php.conf , but all the guides I found about PHP talk about a php.ini file. Where is it?

Particularly the part about changing the maximum upload size. My freinds can't upload 5meg files using my website's php filemanager. UGHH!
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3 replies since Sep. 27 2004,02:53 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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