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Topic: dpkg.dsl, How< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
caturok Offline

Group: Members
Posts: 15
Joined: June 2004
Posted: Sep. 16 2004,09:29 QUOTE

how to install dpkg.dsl

Best Regards,

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Profile PM YIM 

Posted: Oct. 03 2004,05:33 QUOTE

I Smille

Because I kNow That Problem  :D
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Posted: Oct. 09 2004,16:14 QUOTE

As this is your third request and no-one else has replied I will.

1. Right click on your desktop and find the "Got memory and bandwith? Get Synaptic" or whatever it says.

Or you can: 2. click on the MyDSL icon on the desktop and download dpkg-dsl.dsl (i think it is)  and then synaptic.dsl from the repository.

You install both .dsl files by finding them in emelfm and clicking the MyDSL button in emelfm.

A synaptic icon should appear on the desktop.  Click on that and you will see a large list of *.deb packages.  Click update to download a current list of packages.

Select a package of interest eg someapp.deb, click install, click proceed.  The someapp.deb package together with all needed lib files and so on will download & install themselves automatically (very neat).

To launch, right-click and use 'Run program' ( i think it says - i'm not on dsl at the moment) - just type in someapp.

If you can't find it open a shell and type whereis someapp.  If you get several files as an answer you can work out which one you need by typing the full path to each in 'run program' and seeing which one launches the program.  At least that is what I do as a newbie.

Note that I don't think all *.deb packages via synaptic will run on dsl

Pan runs - try that first and see if you can get it going.
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2 replies since Sep. 16 2004,09:29 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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