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Topic: help me with live cd linux, i dont know how to do it >_<< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
econobeing Offline

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Posted: Oct. 01 2004,20:43 QUOTE

heh heh, i just did that (i chose the D: drive as the Destination Drive) and it started booting i think.

after it detected the CD, it went to a screen that had the penguin, and said "Welcome to DSL" with the DSL in ASCII art. then it said something about detecting USB devices or drives (i forget which), then did a little green loading bar looking thing.

after that it went to a black screen, i waited a couple minutes but nothing happened, am i supposed to move the mouse or hit a key or something? or does it take a long time to load?

i'm exited already because i think i'm pretty close to getting it working!
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cbagger01 Offline

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Posted: Oct. 02 2004,14:20 QUOTE

Try typing in "dsl failsafe" at the F2 boot prompt.

Maybe some part of the autodetection is not working correctly.
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6 replies since Oct. 01 2004,02:25 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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