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Topic: How to install firefox .uci, and the other uci s< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
jerome5 Offline

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Posted: Sep. 03 2004,18:19 QUOTE

My search skills on this forum must suck because I know this must have been asked a zillion times, but since I didnt find anything that I could use I am asking here.

I dont want to redownload another 10 meg file (I am 56k), I thought that you could open the file with mydsl but that just caused a seg fault.

So a quick an easy anwser would be nice.

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roberts Offline

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Posted: Sep. 03 2004,18:41 QUOTE

uci files are "mounted" and not installed.

If you are running from the liveCD and then  download uci with the mydsl desktop icon, the file is downloaded to ramdisk. Better to specifiy a hard drive partiton via the mydsl desktop icon so your downloads will be saved. So you don't have re-download as ramdisk is lost when power off. This is true for all extension types when running from liveCD and jusing the desktop icon and have not specified at location to save/load them from via the "add drives" at the bottom of the screen.
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cbagger01 Offline

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Posted: Sep. 03 2004,19:26 QUOTE

1.  Make sure that you check the MD5SUM of the *.uci file to make sure that you did not get a corrupted download.

2.  As stated on the repository page, *.uci extensions will only work with DSL version 0.8.0 or newer. You are using DSL 0.8, no?
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jerome5 Offline

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Posted: Sep. 03 2004,23:01 QUOTE

I didnt realise that you could open them in emelfm by double clicking then :/

BTW do you have to mount them everythime you boot, cant it just install it like a regular dsl?
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roberts Offline

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Posted: Sep. 03 2004,23:36 QUOTE

There are usually matching .dsl files if you want to load all that into ram. If you are hard drive installed, then loading a .dsl loads onto your hard drive.

If you want to automate the mounting of the uci files then you should:

1. edit  /opt/ and add the mount command with the appropriate drive
2. edit .xinitrc and add the mydsl-load command with the full path to the uci.
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