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Topic: Midnight Commander not saving changes??< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Headhunter Offline

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Posted: Dec. 20 2005,09:43 QUOTE

Quote (mikshaw @ Dec. 16 2005,23:46)
[quote=Phinger,Dec. 16 2005,16:03]w to save and :wq to save and quit.

How do I get to print "w" or "wq" in VI?? When I write it with the keyboard it prints this in then file.. Is there a buttom to push?? Whitch one??

Thx in forhand...

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mikshaw Offline

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Posted: Dec. 20 2005,16:59 QUOTE

If it prints what you type in the file buffer, you are in insert mode.  Press Esc to get back to normal mode (for entering commands) and type :w to write the file or :wq to to write and quit. The colon tells vim that the following will be a command rather than a control/navigation key.

You can also change your mc editor using the EDITOR environment variable.  Open up ~/.bashrc and add "export EDITOR=nano" to use nano instead of vim.  Keep in mind this won't affect shells that are currently open, so you'll probably want to restart X (exit fluxbox then type 'startx').

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6 replies since Dec. 14 2005,20:59 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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