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Topic: problems installing de_DE.xpi for firefox, neither apt-get, nor via firefox works< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
mark_one Offline

Group: Members
Posts: 29
Joined: Nov. 2005
Posted: Feb. 08 2006,11:07 QUOTE

hi dsl users.

i've got a problem that i am not able to solve for weeks now. maybe one of you can help me out.
all i want to do is to install german locale support for firefox, so i can use the german user interface. i use dsl2.1RC3b.

when i try to uncompress the dsl image, change to the dirs via chroot and then install the mozilla-firefox-locale-de-de, i get dependency issues:
bash-2.05b# apt-get install mozilla-firefox-locale-de-de
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 make: Depends: fileutils (>= 4.0)
   Depends: mozilla-firefox (>= 1.0-3) but it is not going to be installed
   Depends: mozilla-firefox (< 1.0.999) but it is not going to be      installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).

apt-get -f install doesn't work, it seems not possible to upgrade fileutils.

ok, so far so bad. the other way i tried is:
booting dsl, creating a new user profile and then install de_DE.xpi by using the "Open File" dialog. seems to work fine as the installation dialog appears and i can click on the "install" button. but then i get the message "This item will be installed after you restarf Firefox".
but when i do that, nothing happens.

there are some suspicous messages when i start the program from the console:
*** loaging the extension datasource
*** ExtensionManager:_updateManifests: no access privileges to application directory, skipping.
....and so on...foobar
*** getItemProperty failing for lack of an item. This means getResourceForItem failed to  locate a resource for aItemID (item ID = file:///ramdisk/home/dsl/de-DE.xpi, property=disabled)
*** getItemProperty failing for lack of an item. This means getResourceForItem failed to locate a resource for aItemID (item ID = file:///ramdisk/home/dsl/de-DE.xpi, property = internalName

i am searching the net for weeks now to find a solution but nothing helped. i checked the file permissions so that it's sure that i can write to the /usr/local/firefox directory. i also started the prog as root user to try it but i get the same messages, saying that i don't habe access privileges to the app directory. i wonder where that comes from. and finally i tried to use the program "strace" to find out why i don't have those access privileges. no success so far.

some people say that one has to delete the compreg.dat in the ~/.mozilla/firefox/user/ directory and then start firefox again but that didn't help. others say that one has to delete all user profiles and then create a new one. didn't help. nothing helped. i tried 1000 different tipps and "solutions" but nothing worked.

i'm sure it's just another damn stupid failure. but i didn't find out yet.
now, what's reeeeallly funny is: i've already managed to do it, some weeks ago. but i forgot to make a backup of the user dir and the firefox dir. and after rebooting.... well... you can guess it, can you?

now i've found some kind of "solution" that works, but it's not yet very satisfying for me. so if you got a better one, don't hesitate to tell me.

i found out that the de-DE.xpi gets installed but it's simply not used/registered. when i start firefox with "-UILocale de-DE", everything is in german. but there is still the question where those "no access privileges" messages come from. and why do i get the message that the package is getting installed after restarting firefox, but then nothing happens??? bug?

please help!!!!

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