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Topic: .DSL files??< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
fpd Offline

Group: Members
Posts: 9
Joined: July 2005
Posted: July 20 2005,20:45 QUOTE

Using DSL's Desktop icons to install software, it first tells you what it is, what it does, then asks you where to put the files - usually in /tmp.  This GUI/script downloads the software plus an MD5 file for validation, it then installs the software.

After a few seconds or minutes, all the GUI panels disapear, and your software is ready to run.

I did this with GTK2 (then did the same to un-install it) and GCC, which worked without any tweaks.

Which icon?  I forgot, but it's not the PDF icon, or FoxFire.
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5 replies since July 02 2005,18:38 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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