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Topic: Opening edna.conf in a text editor?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
ConcreteClam Offline

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Posted: Sep. 24 2005,23:46 QUOTE

Hey guys, first post here, relative newb to Linux but I've mucked around with it before.

I've been trying to get edna to work and finally had sucess, but now I can't seem to open the edna.conf in any text editor. It just shows up blank or says it can't be opened. When I check its permissions in emelfm, it shows that I'm not supposted to be able to use it... and I don't know how to change it so I can. Help please?  :)

Edit: Alright, I've looked up the chmod command and it seems like that's what I'm supposted to use, but then it asks for my password when I try to run it as su... I never entered a password. What's the default for DSL? (I'm running off of a live-CD.)
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ConcreteClam Offline

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Posted: Sep. 25 2005,01:24 QUOTE

Whoo! I did it! What I did was:

Open a a root xterm from the right click menu.

Ran "passwd root" while in it, changing the root password.

Went to the edna folder in bash, went into su, used chmod to change the permissions, edited the edna conf, and got it running. Score one for the newbies.  :D
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green Offline

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Posted: Sep. 25 2005,21:53 QUOTE

even easier is to open a terminal as root then type:

nano /path_to_file/edna.conf


open emelfm as superuser, navigate to the file, highlight it with a single left click, then do a single right click, select "open with" then type   beaver
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ConcreteClam Offline

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Posted: Sep. 26 2005,02:00 QUOTE

Thanks for the tips... I decided to install DSL to a old 1gig HD and configured Edna to run at boot. Works great.
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3 replies since Sep. 24 2005,23:46 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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