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Topic: Win4Lin Pro for dsl?, Does it exist for dsl?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
ZoOp Offline

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Posted: Sep. 24 2005,07:52 QUOTE

Hi everybody.
First of all, I have a lot of fun with dsl and find your work incredebly interesting and powerful, so that after tests, I want to use it at work as main system.
my problem: I'am using winxp for only one application in order to perform statistics and to make graphs out of calculation. For all other applications I need, dsl is the deal. I tried wine in order to get this application work within linux (not on dsl but on knoppix 3.8), but it doesn't work in my case. I red a lot on win4lin pro (emulation of windows winthin linux), and also visit dsl forum and red the work of Keo-Keo on Xwine. It sounds very interesting, so that I wonder if somebody works on a version of win4lin pro for dsl.
Thanks again for your help. At the moment, I am going to make a frugal install of dsl 1.5 on my laptop ;-)
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Your Fuzzy God Offline

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Posted: Sep. 26 2005,14:47 QUOTE

Win4Lin Pro is a $70 program, but I believe they have trial versions of the software for download.  Check their website

Good Luck

**Bienvienidos a la revolución**
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Posted: Sep. 27 2005,14:11 QUOTE

thanks a lot for your answer.
I checked it out and yes, they have a try out. I now check out dsl forum in order to know how to install .deb apps in dsl.
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Posted: Sep. 27 2005,19:25 QUOTE

I installed win4lin pro debian package.
First time for me. So my problem: win4lin seems to install well, but where are going the files once installed? I have the try out deb package and enabled apt and dpkg-dsl installed, everything seems fine. But how have I to proceed in order to find win4Lin files and to make it working inside dsl (I suppressed icones, maybe unfortunatly?). Any help is wellcome.
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ZoOp Offline

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Posted: Sep. 28 2005,07:29 QUOTE

I'm going to solve it. So what I did yesterday:

- download the try out of win4linpro at the adress mentionned by Fuzzy; choose de debian package one;
- enable apt and update;
- dpkg -i win4linpro[extended name of package].deb
- all files are then in /opt/win4linpro/bin; go there and find the folder win4linpro;
- in that folder, run ./ as root in an xterm;
- then find out the help in the folder /opt/win4linpro/doc in order to get the application working.

All seems to be installed without trouble; but it always does't work for me. Have I made a mistake? maybe by running ./ (open xterm as root and typing ./ and enter)? Unfortunatly, the help of win4linpro is not as clear as it could have been, so that it could also be that I am unable to load win4linpro or to use kqemu correctly...

By the way: looking for information on the correct way to install and run win4lin, I have found a quiet same explanation as mine here <> (for MEPIS users).

Any help greatly appreciate!
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