
Group: Members
Posts: 175
Joined: Jan. 2004 |
Posted: Dec. 17 2004,21:55 |
##Since opera is my browser of choice this makes life easier for me. ##This is all possible because opera now run without changes in DSL 9.0.1. They must have put something back that was removed. Font libraries perhaps. ##It also runs directly in the directory it is extracted into without the need to run the install script. Opera can be downloaded at the following link.
##To run after it is extracted you must change your working directory to the extracted directory and type opera at a bash prompt or double click on the opera script in emelfm. ##What follows is my procedure for creating a .tar.gz file to be used with myDSL and create a desktop icon. ### All of the commands are typed at an Xterminal bash prompt except the mp editor stuff. ### I use sloppy syntax. When I have a unique filename I use the * to replace longer filename characters. I use ~/ to mean the dsl home directory. Typing is not my strong suit. ### Copy the downloaded .tar.gz file to the dsl home directory. Mine is on hda8. You could just download to ~/.
cp /mnt/hda8/opera-7.54*.tar.gz ~/
### extract it
tar -xzvf opera*
### You should have created the following directory
### remove original .tar.gz file. Because of my sloppy use of * and to save space.
rm opera*.tar.gz
##create files in ~/.xtdesktop for desktop icon
cd .xtdesktop
### Create symlink to icon file
ln -s ~/opera*/images/opera_48x48.png
##start the mp editor and make changes to an existing .lnk file. Be sure to do the "save as"
mp cpanel.lnk
#### make the changes to the file to look as follows
table Icon Type: Program Caption: Opera-7.54u1 Command: cd ~/opera*; opera Icon: .xtdesktop/opera_48x48.png X: 295 Y: 98 end
####!!!! important !! " save as" opera.lnk. If you just save the file you'll loose an icon ## files opera_48x48.png and opera.lnk should now exist in ~/.xtdesktop
####create new .tar.gz file for MyDSL
cd ~/ tar -czvf opera754u1.tar.gz ~/.xtdesktop/opera* ~/opera*
#### You have now created the .tar.gz file for myDSL. Be sure to save it somewhere else or you'll loose it when you reboot ### To test highlight the new file in emelfm and push the myDSL button. A new icon should appear. ### If you don't like the myDSL stuff. Add the line home/dsl to filetool.lst and use backup/restore. That will quickly grab your new opera files.