Posted: April 25 2005,14:59 |
I think what mikshaw was trying to say was that, even though ./configure worked well, there may still be references to cc instead of gcc in the Makefile that ./configure created. I got this problem before when I tried to compile some source that I got from a repacker instead of that from the original site. Although one would normally use autoconf in order to keep things neat, the repacker thought he could just edit
One thing you can do is follow what mikshaw said and wade through the makefiles AFTER running ./configure. There maybe more than one "makefiles" and you will have to hunt for them in the subpaths. You could get a snapshot of the contents of the source tree before and after you run ./configure to see what changed.
Another option is to do "sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc" before running ./configure.
One thing that is still not clear to me about your post is whether ./configure worked without detecting gcc. I have this nagging feeling that you may be trying to compile a source that was meant to be for another system, so ./configure assumed your compiler is called cc and used the "appropriate" switches.