
Group: Members
Posts: 92
Joined: Sep. 2004 |
Posted: June 10 2005,08:46 |
I am not really fond of endlessly following up on my own posts, but I cannot help it! So please bear with me 
I have now made a new openoffice2.uci (from the Norwegian translation of Openoffice2 - beta version), and now I managed to get the mydsl-menu entrance right also. So it works beautifully. Great! Only thing I don't get is that the first time I launch Writer (or any of the other OOo-apps) after I mounted the .uci it takes quite a while to start up. After that, they launch in less than 5 secs (on my office computer that is).
I have also made a successful softmaker.uci, containing textmaker and planmaker (plus a few additional fonts). I am not sure if I will submit any of these though, since the Norwegian version of OOo2 is only interesting to a couple of you, and textmaker/planmaker is commercial software, so I am probably not allowed to... But I would recommend you all to try them out! There are free versions available for evaluation, and they work fine. It is easy to create your own .dsl/.uci from them, and they work beautifully in DSL! Even on my old laptop with 56MB RAM textmaker starts almost before I have finished clicking the icon!!! Seriously!
I see that SAM (the Linux live cd) and also Puppy include free versions of textmaker (Puppy only through their so-called PupGet system) and planmaker. Perhaps DSL could get a similar deal with the Softmaker team?