Posted: Dec. 30 2004,11:24 |
I though I would share this you… how I dual boot my USB stick to MSDOS and DSL. If this is too long / not required then please delete it, but I thought it might help some newbies..
In a windows ( XP in my case) download the USB format tool from the HP site ( )
I formatted the USB device, and then copied the entire Windows98 boot disk to the USB stick. Rebooted from the USB stick. Once the ramdisk had been installed with all the utilities I copied all of these to a \dos folder. Then I updated the config.sys file to
[menu] menuitem=DOS, Start with DOS menuitem=DSL, Start DSL Linux menudefault=DOS,2 menucolor=7,0
[DOS] device=dos\himem.sys /testmem:off device=dos\oakcdrom.sys /D:mscd001 rem device=btdosm.sys rem device=flashpt.sys device=dos\btcdrom.sys /D:mscd001 rem device=aspi2dos.sys rem device=aspi8dos.sys rem device=aspi4dos.sys rem device=aspi8u2.sys device=dos\aspicd.sys /D:mscd001 files=10 buffers=10 dos=high,umb stacks=9,256@ECHO OFF IF "%config%"=="DSL" GOTO DSL
set EXPAND=YES SET DIRCMD=/O:N set LglDrv=27 * 26 Z 25 Y 24 X 23 W 22 V 21 U 20 T 19 S 18 R 17 Q 16 P 15 set LglDrv=%LglDrv% O 14 N 13 M 12 L 11 K 10 J 9 I 8 H 7 G 6 F 5 E 4 D 3 C rem set tmp=c:\
LH dos\MSCDEX.EXE /D:mscd001 /L:%CDROM% rem clean up environment variables set CDROM= set LglDrv= echo . echo Booted of Keiths Private USB memory echo Please ring 01473 641662 echo . GOTO QUIT
:DSL \KNOPPIX\loadlin.exe \KNOPPIX\linux24 initrd=\KNOPPIX\minirt24.gz rem \boot\loadlin.exe \boot\isolinux\linux24 initrd=\boot\isolinux\minirt24.gz
:QUIT rem devicehigh=ramdrive.sys /E 2048 lastdrive=z
and the autoexec.bat to ..
@ECHO OFF IF "%config%"=="DSL" GOTO DSL
set EXPAND=YES SET DIRCMD=/O:N set LglDrv=27 * 26 Z 25 Y 24 X 23 W 22 V 21 U 20 T 19 S 18 R 17 Q 16 P 15 set LglDrv=%LglDrv% O 14 N 13 M 12 L 11 K 10 J 9 I 8 H 7 G 6 F 5 E 4 D 3 C rem set tmp=c:\
LH dos\MSCDEX.EXE /D:mscd001 /L:%CDROM% rem clean up environment variables set CDROM= set LglDrv= echo . echo Booted of Keiths Private USB memory echo Please ring 01473 641662 echo . GOTO QUIT
:DSL \KNOPPIX\loadlin.exe \KNOPPIX\linux24 initrd=\KNOPPIX\minirt24.gz
That’s the DOS side sorted… now for DSL. I downloaded the ISO (v0.9.0) from and exploded it with ISObuster I then put in the files KNOPPIX, minirt24.gz and linux24 into a directory called ( in upper case!! ) KNOPPIX
Loadlin was downloaded from and put into the \KNOPPIX directory
The \KNOPPIX now looks like
F:\KNOPPIX>dir Volume in drive F is KINGSTON Volume Serial Number is 34C5-B8FF
Directory of F:\KNOPPIX
22/12/2004 06:10 <DIR> . 22/12/2004 06:10 <DIR> .. 01/12/2004 17:58 50,025,321 KNOPPIX 01/09/2004 20:23 790,312 minirt24.gz 14/08/2004 23:31 994,807 linux24 16/04/2002 00:49 32,225 loadlin.exe 4 File(s) 51,842,665 bytes 2 Dir(s) 1,919,352,832 bytes free
Now all to do is to reboot and choose the relevant OS you want to use from the USB stick.
This has been tested with a ebuyer 64M and 256M special, and a Kingston 2G USB devices. What I would like to do, and probably impossible is to tell DSL that I want to use a 2 button mouse and run the first windows manager in 1024x768x32.