Group: Members
Posts: 7
Joined: Jan. 2006 |
Posted: Jan. 14 2006,13:36 |
You have to download the 2.4.31 kernel sources, and dsl.config, use dsl.config as .config, make menuconfig -> remove SMP, add APIC, apply the Knoppix kernel patch, remove the part that hard codes gcc-2.95. I used a seperate Ubuntu installation to build the actual kernel, gcc3.4, since that way I could use the make-kpkg tools.
Then I more or less followed this guide: http://www.eng.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/bin/view/Linux/RemasteringGuide
I had 2 remastering/source directories, one with dpkg reenabled so I could install the new kernel .deb, the other was the original nothing-added DSL. Installed the kernel.deb, the rt2500.o and cloop.o, in the chrooted, beefed up source directory. depmod'd to rebuild the modules dependency file. Then copied across the newly created /lib/modules/2.4.31 and /boot directory (Not sure the /boot dir is needed) to the original DSL source, (ie. not the one full of the restored dpkg stuff). I removed the lib/modules/2.4.31 directory from here first, to avoid potential kernel panics if it used the wrong module.
Then in the master/boot/isolinux dir, I changed the linux24 file for the new kernel. Loop mounted up minrt24.gz, replaced the cloop.o and scsi drivers, closed minirt24.gz again. Remastered the iso as per the guide.
Oh, I also copied across /etc/networks/interfaces from my Ubuntu distro, which is used to set up the card (security note - I have the WPA key stored on the CD... very secure! Not.).
It's not exactly a newbie friendly process and isn't too well documented "step by step". Also, once booted I have to type "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" to get the network going. This could possibly be overcome by added the appropriate link in rc.d before remastering, not sure.