
Group: Members
Posts: 65
Joined: Jan. 2006 |
Posted: Mar. 17 2007,16:53 |
Nice! That was what I was trying, but couldn't. Took me a little to understand what you were doing. I understand the sharp operator returns table lenght. Already cleaning the code 
Code Sample | #!/bin/lua -- Launches applications under X -- by Daniel Plata Lorenzo "MakodFilu"
version="1.0.1" max_history=10 history_file=os.getenv("HOME").."/.flrun_history" gassoc_file="/opt/grun/gassoc" ww=250 --window width wh=100 --window height bw=60 --button width bh=25 --button height
-- L10N (Somewhat) window_text="flRun v"..version -- Try FireSomething for the fun of it input_text="Launch Application" cancel_text="&Cancel" cancel_tooltip="Cancel launch" ok_text="&Ok" ok_tooltip="Launch application" browse_text="&Browse" browse_tooltip="Browse for command" choose_text="Choose Application"
-- Code w=fltk:Fl_Window(ww,wh,window_text)
history_table={} file =, "r") if file then for line in file:lines() do table.insert(history_table, line) end file:close() end
assoc = {} -- Code by Robert Shingledecker file =, "r") if file then for line in file:lines() do i,_ = string.find(line,":") if i then local j = #assoc+1 assoc[j] = {} assoc[j][1] = string.sub(line,1,i-1) assoc[j][2] = string.sub(line,i+1) end end file:close() end
input = fltk:Fl_Input_Choice(10,30,ww-20,bh,input_text) input:align(fltk.FL_ALIGN_TOP) if #history_table then input:value(history_table[#history_table]) -- Show last feed command for i=1,#history_table,1 do input:add(history_table[i]) end end
ok = fltk:Fl_Return_Button(ww-3*bw*1.2,wh-35,bw,bh,ok_text) ok:tooltip(ok_tooltip) ok:callback( function(ok) if input:value() == "" then io.write(string.char(7)) io.flush() else command=input:value() io.output(,"w+")) if #history_table then start=1 if #history_table >= max_history then start=#history_table-(max_history-2) -- Discard older entries end for i=start,#history_table,1 do if history_table[i]~=command then io.write(history_table[i]..'\n') end end end io.write(command..'\n') io.close() if command:find("%.%a*$") then ext=command:sub(command:find("%.%a*$")) for i=1,#assoc,1 do if ext == '.'..assoc[i][1] then command=assoc[i][2]..' '..command -- Redefine as app + doc end end end -- Note: if an .ext is found but not recognized, it would be os.execute(command..' 2>/dev/null &') -- launched anyway, as .sh os.exit(0) end end)
cancel = fltk:Fl_Button(ww-2*bw*1.2,wh-35,bw,bh,cancel_text) cancel:tooltip(cancel_tooltip) cancel:callback( function(cancel) os.exit(0) end)
browse = fltk:Fl_Button(ww-1*bw*1.2,wh-35,bw,bh,browse_text) browse:tooltip(browse_tooltip) browse:callback( function(browse) input:value(fltk.fl_file_chooser(choose_text,"*",single,nil)) end)
if not arg[1] then w:show() Fl:run() else print ("flRun v"..version.." launches applications under X\n") print "Usage flrun\n" -- [options] [file options]\n" -- print " file options Launch file directly, no dialog boxes" -- print " --persist Dialog persistance" -- print " --preload file Load file as default command" -- print " --notips Disable tooltips" -- print " --version Show version" -- print " --help Show this guide\n" end
Sent to extensions, as well