

Group: Members
Posts: 4856
Joined: July 2004 |
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Posted: Mar. 15 2008,14:45 |
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More minor changes. The Tabs were replaced by Fl_Wizard. This allows the previously offscreen buttons to be used onscreen so there is only one control for switching tabs. This also gave me a way to display the last update time in the bottom right instead of printing it every time a new info is loaded.
The date check now uses murgaLua builtins instead of running ls | awk in a separate process.
Removed the 5-pixel gap between the text fields and the top/bottom widgets.
Code Sample | #!/home/dsl/bin/murgaLua-0.6.4 --[[ MyDSL info browser, 2008 mikshaw
Changelog (yyyy/mm/dd) 2008/03/15: Improved the update function Database date check uses os.date/lfs instead of os.popen/ls/awk Use wizard instead of tabs for better use of resources 2008/03/14: Undid gmatch change due to improvements to the database file Improved keyboard control Use Fl_Menu_Button for menus to add to keyboard control Fixed crash on search or install with an empty database 2008/01/24: Fixed string.gmatch to break up files even if there is no newline between them 2008/01/17: Added date of last update Tweaked the update function (it's still sloppy) Fixed ".mydsl_dir not found" error message 2008/01/16: Fixed resizable behavior Uses file in .mydsl_dir Added auto update for first run 2008/01/15: Added text search 2008/01/14: Fixed display of incorrect duplicate info file Check for trailing spaces in title string Added "Update" function Code and interface tweaks 2008/01/13: start of project --]]
mydsldirfile=io.open("/opt/.mydsl_dir") if not mydsldirfile then print(arg[0]..": Can't open /opt/.mydsl_dir") os.exit(1) end mydsl_dir=mydsldirfile:read("*l") mydsldirfile:close()
listfile=mydsl_dir.."/mydslinfo.bz2" listurl="ftp://ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/damnsmall/mydsl/mydslinfo.bz2"
function load_list() -- load the database while b_loc:size()>1 do b_loc:remove(0) end inputfile = io.popen("bunzip2 -c "..listfile) data=inputfile:read("*a") inputfile:close() if not string.find(data,"%w") then info_display_buffer:text("Cannot read database "..listfile.."\nPlease try updating again.") else info={} info_count=0 -- breaks up each info file into a separate string for s in string.gmatch(data,"(Location:.-)\nLocation:") do info_count=info_count+1 info[info_count]={ location=string.match(s,"Location:%s*(.-)%s*\n"), title=string.match(s,"Title:%s*(.-)%s*\n"), text=s } b_loc:add(info[info_count].location) end last_update:label("last update "..os.date("%d %b %Y",lfs.attributes(listfile).modification)) b_loc:value(0) b_loc:do_callback() end end
function updatedb() -- download to temp file, check file integrity, and only then replace the old file tempfile=os.tmpname() os.execute("aterm +tr -bg white -fg black -geometry 80x4 -title \"Database Update\" -e wget "..listurl.." -O "..tempfile) if os.execute("bzip2 -t "..tempfile) == 0 then os.rename(tempfile,listfile) load_list() else fltk.fl_alert("Database check failed.\nThis may be the result of an incomplete download\nor gremlins in your internets.") os.remove(tempfile) end end
function pick_search_result() if results:value() > 1 then -- show selected info file in the browse tab get_loc=string.match(results:text(results:value()),spacer.."(.*)") get_fname=string.match(results:text(results:value()),"(.*)"..spacer) results:deselect() for i=0,b_loc:size() do if get_loc == b_loc:text(i) then b_loc:value(i) break end end b_loc:do_callback() for i=0,b_files:size() do if get_fname == b_files:text(i) then b_files:value(i) break end end b_files:do_callback() tabs:value(tab1) end end
ww=500; wh=360; bh=30; bw=ww/2-5 win=fltk:Fl_Window(ww,wh,"MyDSL Info Browser")
tab1=fltk:Fl_Group(0,0,ww,wh-bh-5,"browse") b_loc=fltk:Fl_Menu_Button(5,5,bw,bh) b_loc:align(20) b_loc:callback( function() b_loc:label("&Location: "..b_loc:text()) while b_files:size()>1 do b_files:remove(0) end b_files:redraw() for i=1,info_count do if info[i].location==b_loc:text() then b_files:add(info[i].title) end end b_files:value(0) b_files:do_callback() end )
b_files=fltk:Fl_Menu_Button(ww/2,5,bw,bh) b_files:align(20) b_files:callback( function() b_files:label("&Filename: "..b_files:text()) for i=1,info_count do if info[i].title == b_files:text() and info[i].location == b_loc:text() then info_display_buffer:text(info[i].text) tab_browse:setonly() break end end end )
info_display=fltk:Fl_Text_Display(5,5+bh,ww-10,wh-(10+bh*3)) info_display:textfont(fltk.FL_SCREEN) info_display:textsize(12) info_display_buffer=fltk:Fl_Text_Buffer() info_display:buffer(info_display_buffer)
install=fltk:Fl_Button(5,wh-bh*2-5,bw,bh,"&Install Selected Package") install:callback( function() if b_files:text() and b_loc:text() then os.execute("mydsl-load "..b_files:text().." "..b_loc:text()) end end )
b_updatedb=fltk:Fl_Button(bw+5,wh-bh*2-5,bw,bh,"&Update Database") b_updatedb:callback(updatedb) fltk:Fl_End() --end tab1
tab2=fltk:Fl_Group(0,0,ww,wh-bh-5,"search text") search_text=fltk:Fl_Input(85,5,ww-90,bh,"search text ") search_text:when(fltk.FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY) search_text:callback( function() if search_text:value() ~= "" and info_count and info_count>0 then results:clear() if Fl_Browser.column_widths then results:add("@B49@b@uPackage Name"..spacer.."@B49@b@uLocation") else -- default screen font does not have bold or underline -- and no columns means only one format string is used results:add("@B49PACKAGE NAME"..spacer.."LOCATION") end for i=1,info_count do if string.find(string.lower(info[i].text),string.lower(search_text:value()),1,true) then results:add(info[i].title..spacer..info[i].location) end end end end )
results=fltk:Fl_Hold_Browser(5,5+bh,ww-10,wh-(10+bh*2)) -- column widths available in 0.6.4+ if Fl_Browser.column_widths then results:column_widths({results:w()/2,0}) spacer="\t" else spacer="\t\t" -- force some extra space for older versions results:textfont(fltk.FL_SCREEN) -- fixed-width makes it closer to columns end results:callback( -- react to click only function() if results:value() > 1 and Fl:event()==fltk.FL_RELEASE then pick_search_result() end end ) -- offscreen results_callback button for Enter key results_cb=fltk:Fl_Return_Button(ww,wh,bh,bh) results_cb:callback(pick_search_result) fltk:Fl_End() --end tab2 fltk:Fl_End() --end tabs group
-- using buttons instead of tabs gives better keyboard control tabbuttons=fltk:Fl_Pack(5,wh-bh,200,bh-5) tabbuttons:type(fltk.FL_HORIZONTAL) tabbuttons:spacing(5) tab_browse=fltk:Fl_Radio_Button(0,0,100,bh-5,"&browse") tab_browse:when(fltk.FL_WHEN_CHANGED) tab_browse:box(fltk.FL_THIN_UP_BOX) tab_browse:callback(function() tabs:value(tab1) end) tab_search=fltk:Fl_Radio_Button(0,0,100,bh-5,"text &search") tab_search:when(fltk.FL_WHEN_CHANGED) tab_search:box(fltk.FL_THIN_UP_BOX) tab_search:callback( function() tabs:value(tab2) Fl:focus(search_text) end ) fltk:Fl_End() --end tabs buttons last_update=fltk:Fl_Box(bw+5,wh-bh-5,bw,bh+5)
win:resizable(tabs) tabs:resizable(tab1) tabs:resizable(tab2) tab1:resizable(info_display) tab2:resizable(results) win:show() find_file=io.open(listfile) if find_file then data=find_file:read("*a") else data="" end if string.find(data,"%w") then find_file:close() load_list() else updatedb() end Fl:run()
-------------- http://www.tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/index.html