Posted: Nov. 18 2005,17:11 |
This is a nice thread, good information is provided. I have one comment to make concerning stream programming (a Unix concept from decades ago) and that "&" shell directive. The meaning of "&" is [background this process]. Which is implemented as a "fork" system call. Unix is a stream environment because everything is launched inside a process, the "fork" call instructs the batch command to launch a new process for the command. This is why the calling process continues without delay.
So, to think of the application waiting for the first call to complete before continuing is technically wrong, and leads to problems in design as your batch programming progresses. Specifically, when you fork a new process (to load the game), the new process looses all contact with the parent process (your script) and the next call (to execute the game) fails because as far as it is concerned, the game is not loaded yet. Yes, it is loaded but within the separate (forked) process, and therefore not available to the parent process.
Technical I know, but some day you'll appreciate the nuance.