
Group: Members
Posts: 12
Joined: May 2006 |
Posted: May 23 2006,09:35 |
I found xkeycaps really weird. Made a mess out of my keyboard (which is Swedish, with åäöÅÄÖ). Anyway, I added this mod to my .xinitrc file:
Code Sample | # My se-latin1 keyboard with mods as follows xmodmap ~/.xmodmap-my-own & |
where .xmodmap-my-own looks like this:
Code Sample | clear Mod4 add Mod5 = Mode_switch keysym a = a A aacute Aacute keysym e = e E eacute Eacute keysym i = i I iacute Iacute keysym o = o O oacute Oacute keysym u = u U uacute Uacute keysym y = y Y yacute Yacute keysym n = n N ntilde Ntilde keysym 1 = 1 exclam exclamdown keysym section = section degree questiondown keysym aring = aring Aring udiaeresis Udiaeresis keysym s = s S ssharp
So I get the special letters by holding down AltGr and pressing a key, e.g., AltGr n produces ñ etc.
The first two lines are wellknown to all that have tried to get @ in Firefox
The next 9 lines are good for my Spanish documents (áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚ¿¡) (ýÝ maybe not needed ... )
And the last two for German (ü Ü ß) 
There are a lot more for those who want other characters. You can find them in xkeycaps under the "Edit KeySyms of Key" right-click menu. For instance, if you need Icelandic there are thorn THORN eth ETH etc, Danish and Norwegian have ae and oslash, Portuguese has ccedilla, atilde etc, and I'd really hate to be French in a situation like this (no offense!) Where could you find room on the keyboard for all the aacute, agrave, acircumflex etc... ?
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