
Group: Members
Posts: 218
Joined: Sep. 2005 |
Posted: June 12 2006,21:23 |
Hey guys!
thanks a lot 300c_pilot for the page, I look at the app, but it is a bit too much MB and probably for me difficult to install if I have to check all dependencies in order to get it working right.
Instead, guess what: I am not careful enough! So I have downloaded the debian package of xrdp-0.2 (see the page above) and installed it in DSL 3.0RC2 with gtk2 libs loaded. The package does well install .... and I try then to load the xrdp linux-server in order to get it work, but I don't know if I succeded in it... I did a rdesktop localhost in order to check, got a black window which opens, but no screen with login and passwd request; ok, I have a bad wireless connection, don't really know how I am suppose to start the app, and have a black screen at home, so I have to check it between home and office.
More on that these next days. Thank you all of you for your help, it is very stimulating for me, and I learn a lot!
yours z
PS: xrdp-0.2 should enable me to have a light linux remote desktop server in my DSL-machine; I can then use rdesktop between my 2 DSL machines from/at home/office in order to manipulate GUI apps. It has the same function than a kind of VNC-server or a WINXP Remote Desktop utility, but it seems much better in speed, keyboard mapping qualities, screen resolution, etc. and, above all, very light.