
Group: Members
Posts: 16
Joined: Feb. 2007 |
Posted: July 02 2007,19:10 |
Hi, again
In fact it was not so hard to change the cpanel.lua script to have this tuner_gui script working for DSL too
the script is provided below to use it : - copy it in your text editor - save it (ex : in your /home/dsl as tuner_gui_dsl - in a terminal - allow the file to be executed - and launch it
Code Sample | chmod +x tuner_gui_dsl ./tuner_gui_dsl
a few remark : - of course it requires mplayer. so don t forget to download one mplayer extension in the repositery
- As you can see, it is quite easy to edit the radio available. the most difficult is to find the url for the streaming flux of your favorite radio...
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the script for DSL : --------------------------------------------------------------------
Code Sample | #!/bin/lua
-- Derived from cpanel (C) Robert Shingledecker 2005,2006 -- inspired by tuner -- Main GUI loop for myDSL Extensions
function b1(self) os.execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm http://viphttp.yacast.net/V4/radiofrance/lemouv_hd.m3u") end
function b2(self) os.execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm http://viphttp.yacast.net/V4/radiofrance/franceinter_hd.m3u") end
function b3(self) os.execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm http://viphttp.yacast.net/V4/radiofrance/franceculture_hd.m3u") end
function b4(self) os.execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm http://viphttp.yacast.net/V4/radiofrance/fip_hd.m3u") end
function b5(self) os.execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm http://viphttp.yacast.net/V4/radiofrance/francemusique_hd.m3u") end
function b6(self) os.execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm http://viphttp.yacast.net/V4/radiofrance/francebleu_idf_hd.m3u") end
function b7(self) os.execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm mplayer -afm acm -nocache mms://vip1.yacast.fr/encodercheriefm") end
function b8(self) os.execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm mplayer -afm acm -nocache mms://vip8.yacast.fr/encodereurope1") end
function b9(self) os.execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm mplayer -afm acm -nocache mms://vip8.yacast.fr/encodereurope2") end
function b10(self) os.execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm mplayer -afm acm -nocache mms://vip1.yacast.fr/encodernrj") end
function b11(self) os.execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm mplayer -afm acm -nocache mms://vipbu.yacast.fr/encodernostalgie") end
function b12(self) os.execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm mplayer -afm acm -nocache mms://vip1.yacast.fr/encoderrireetchansons") end
function b13(self) end
function b14(self)
function b15(self)
function b16(self) end
function b17(self)
function b18(self)
function b19(self)
function b20(self) end
function b21(self)
function b22(self)
function b23(self)
function b24(self)
btnCB = {b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9,b10,b11,b12,b13,b14,b15,b16,b17,b18,b19,b20,b21,b22,b23,b24}
w = fltk:Fl_Window(570,255, "Listen your favorite Web Radio on line") btn={} btnLabel={"Le Mouv !","France inter","France Culture","FIP","france musique","france bleu","cherie fm","europe1","europe2","NRJ","nostalgie","rireetchansons","","","","","","","","","","","",""} btnWidth=130; btnHeight=30 rows=6; cols=4; spacer=10
for h=1, rows do for w = 1, cols do i = cols*(h-1)+w btn[i] = fltk:Fl_Button(btnWidth*(w-1)+spacer*w,btnHeight*(h-1)+spacer*h,btnWidth,btnHeight,btnLabel[i]) btn[i]:callback(btnCB[i]) end end
os.execute("sudo ps > /tmp/pipe.lua &") io.input("/tmp/pipe.lua") local data = io.read("*all")
w:show() Fl:run() |
------------------------------------------ and here is the one for DSL-N : ------------------------------------------
Code Sample | #!/bin/flua
-- Derived from cpanel (C) from Robert Shingledecker 2004-2006 -- inspired by tuner -- Main GUI loop
btnWidth = 130 btnHeight = 30 col = {10,150,290,430} row = {10,50,90,130,170,210}
w = Window{570,255, "Listen your favorite Web Radio on line"}
b1 = Button{col[1],row[1],btnWidth,btnHeight, "Le mouv !"} function b1.callback() execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm http://viphttp.yacast.net/V4/radiofrance/lemouv_hd.m3u") end
b2 = Button{col[1],row[2],btnWidth,btnHeight, "France Inter"} function b2:callback() execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm http://viphttp.yacast.net/V4/radiofrance/franceinter_hd.m3u") end
b3 = Button{col[1],row[3],btnWidth,btnHeight, "France Culture"} function b3:callback() execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm http://viphttp.yacast.net/V4/radiofrance/franceculture_hd.m3u") end
b4 = Button{col[1],row[4],btnWidth,btnHeight, "FIP"} function b4:callback() execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm http://viphttp.yacast.net/V4/radiofrance/fip_hd.m3u") end
b5 = Button{col[1],row[5],btnWidth,btnHeight, "France musique"} function b5:callback() execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm http://viphttp.yacast.net/V4/radiofrance/francemusique_hd.m3u") end
b6 = Button{col[1],row[6],btnWidth,btnHeight, "France bleue"} function b6:callback() execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm http://viphttp.yacast.net/V4/radiofrance/francebleu_idf_hd.m3u") end
b13 = Button{col[3],row[1],btnWidth,btnHeight, "Cherie FM"} function b13:callback() execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm mplayer -afm acm -nocache mms://vip1.yacast.fr/encodercheriefm") end
b14 = Button{col[3],row[2],btnWidth,btnHeight, "Europe1"} function b14:callback() execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm mplayer -afm acm -nocache mms://vip8.yacast.fr/encodereurope1") end
b15 = Button{col[3],row[3],btnWidth,btnHeight, "Europe2"} function b15:callback() execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm mplayer -afm acm -nocache mms://vip8.yacast.fr/encodereurope2") end
b16 = Button{col[3],row[4],btnWidth,btnHeight, "NRJ"} function b16:callback() execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm mplayer -afm acm -nocache mms://vip1.yacast.fr/encodernrj") end
b17 = Button{col[3],row[5],btnWidth,btnHeight, "nostalgie"} function b17:callback() execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm mplayer -afm acm -nocache mms://vipbu.yacast.fr/encodernostalgie") end
b18 = Button{col[3],row[6],btnWidth,btnHeight, "Rire et chansons"} function b18:callback() execute("aterm +tr -e mplayer -nocache -afm acm mplayer -afm acm -nocache mms://vip1.yacast.fr/encoderrireetchansons") end
w:end_layout() w:show()
enjoy yod