
Group: Members
Posts: 18
Joined: July 2006 |
Posted: July 17 2006,08:38 |
Hi there!
After booting dsl from harddrive it recognizes the device and creates /dev/modem. Setting port in pppconfig to /dev/modem or to /dev/ttyS1 where to the modem physically connected results no dialing capability for PPP Dial.
Switches to runlevel 0 System log daemon exits syslogd starts / Busybox v1.0 authorization: session opens for dsl modprobe can't locate modules: sound-slo, sound-ser makes a sudo root : TTY=pts/0 ; pwd=/home/dsl root makes a tail for log messages pppd starts by root uid0 abort on: busy, no carrier, voice, no dialtone, no dial tone, no answer, delayed, atz^m expect:ok
TTY=pts/1 root-root session opens for root chat: alarm, send (AT^M), expect (OK), alarm, failed pppd: Connect script failed pppd: EXIT.
Please explain me with more details, what is going on exactly. THX!