Installing to a USB Flash Drive cn

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为防止数据丢失,事先将U盘上的所有数据保存在另外的存储介质上,如CD/DVD 或硬盘。


USB盘容量至少需要 128M,如果>=512M 则更好。


从本页最初完成到现在情况已经有了一些改变。从那时起,将DSL安装在USB Flash盘上的简单方法是通过DSL LiveCD的主菜单。打开主菜单--Apps--Tools,选择USBZIP或USBHDD,然后依照提示进行。 查看【USB Booting】页获得更多信息。


  • 确定Flash盘的位置。 一般为 /dev/sda
   fdisk -l
  • 检查Syslinux的版本,如果要支持FAT32请升级。 (Syslinux 2.11 支持 FAT16; Syslinux 3.35 支持FAT32) 编译安装最新的syslinux,从 可以得到。
  • 使用下面的命令可以清除Flash盘上的MBR. 但这并非必需,除非当前MBR不是太好 (比如,你正在试验另外一个可由USB启动的linux发行版).

要 *特别* 小心不要对你的硬盘进行MBR的操作. 将命令行中的sdX换成是Flash盘的位置

   dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=512 count=1

然后安装 并将另外一个MBR写入Flash盘。

   ms-sys -s /dev/sdX

或者, 也可以将Syslinux包中的mbr.bin文件写入MBR,这个文件的大小应该小于MBR的512字节:

   locate mbr.bin
   cat /somepath/share/syslinux/mbr.bin > /dev/sdX
  • 在 /dev/sdX 上运行fdisk, 结果应该如下:
    Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
 /dev/sdX1   *           1        1021      253177    b  W95 FAT32

用命令d删除已有分区,仅留下一个. 用命令 n,p,1 创建一个新的主分区(primary partition). 用命令 a 让它可启动. 用命令 t,b 创建 W95 FAT32 格式. 注意,不要忘记用命令 a 使分区开机时能够启动。

命令 w 将保存fdisk设置并退出.

  • 下载dsl-embedded zip文件
  • 在Flash盘上创建 FAT16 或 FAT32 格式的分区: (选项"-F 32" 对应FAT32; "-F 16" 对应FAT16)
 mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdX1
  • 挂载Flash盘,并且将dsl-embedded.zip解压缩到Flash盘上.
  • 缷载Flash盘.
  • 接下来,用syslinux让它可启动.
 syslinux -s /dev/sdX1
  • 现在你可以通过QEMU启动了(Linux或Windows), 或者直接从Flash盘启动.
  • 你也可以通过Flash上已经安装的GRUB启动DSL. 如果你将DSL作为数据或系统救急工具,这种方式会非常有用. 和其它方式一样,你可以将DSL系统的配置保存下来.

注意: syslinux需要mtools软件包中的mcopy.

注意: 遗憾的是,这种方式50MB可能不太够用,因为qemu目录相对要大一些. 你可能最终需要110M的空间来安装这个发行版.

注意: 挂载U盘时的选项iocharset=utf8可能会导致文件"KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX"在启动时找不到.


注意: 经用户反馈,这个方法在某些情况下可能会无法成功.

  • 下载最新dsl-cd的iso镜像.
  • 在闪盘上创建ext2分区(=> 51MB),并挂载.
   mke2fs -v -L "DSL" /dev/<device>
   mkdir -p /tmp/pendrive
   mount /dev/<device> /tmp/pendrive/


注意: ext3文件系统格式也是可以的.

  • 进入挂载ext2分区的目录, 安装GRUB:
   cd /tmp/pendrive/
   grub-install  --no-floppy  --root-directory=.   /dev/<device>  

注意: 将<device>替换成相应分区的设备文件(如/dev/sdc1).

注意2: 这个方法我没有成功, 我使用了手册上的方法,即运行GRUB 然后输入"root (hd1,1)" 和"setup (hd1)" (你的目录很可能会变化).

  • 将CD镜像内容拷贝到u盘上.
   mkdir /tmp/dsl-cd
   mount [/path_to/]current.iso /tmp/dsl-cd/ -o loop
   cp -vR /tmp/dsl-cd/* /tmp/pendrive/
  • 在你挂载ext2文件系统的那个目录,为grub创建一个menu.lst文件./boot/grub/menu.lst
  cat > /tmp/pendrive/boot/grub/menu.lst << EOF
  title           Damn Small Linux
  root            (hd0,0)
  kernel          /boot/isolinux/linux24 root=/dev/sda1 ro lang=us toram noeject frugal
  initrd          /boot/isolinux/minirt24.gz

注意: 你可能不得不将(hd0,0)修改成你U盘的位置. 当然,默认情况下,大部分系统是支持这个配置的.

  • 缷载文件系统.
  • 现在你可以从U盘启动了.


Someone found the above process doesn't work and has documented for others this working process

The Situation:

  • Running SLED 10 (Suse)
  • The USB key is a 1GB and appears as /dev/sda
  • Logged in as root
  • The DSL ISO is downloaded to /root/Desktop/dsl-3.3.iso
  • Two partitions, the first to use as general USB storage, the second for DSL
  • The DSL partition wanted to be ext3 so that Windows doesn't mess it up
  • The first partition needs to be the big storage one as Windows doesn't like addressing the second partition on flash drives

The procedure:

  • fdisk /dev/sda
    • d - Delete all partitions on the key
    • n - Make a partition
      • p - Primary partition for general storage
      • 1 - First partition
      • 1 - From the first block
      • 948 - Most of the space, about 933MB
    • n - Make a partition
      • p - Primary partition for DSL
      • 2 - Second partition
      • 949 - Start from the next available sector
      • 1012 - To the end of the disk. I give it 64MB
    • a - Make the partition bootable
      • 2 - Mark the DSL partition bootable
    • t - Change the partition type
      • 1 - Change partition 1
      • b - Change it to Win95 FAT32
    • w - Write the changes
  • fdisk -l - Gives the following output:
        Device    Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
	/dev/sda1               1         948      954131+   b  W95 FAT32
	/dev/sda2   *         949        1012       64416   83  Linux

Your flash drive should now look like this

  • mkdir /mnt/iso
  • mkdir /mnt/usb
  • mount -o loop /root/Desktop/dsl-3.3.iso /mnt/iso
  • mke2fs /dev/sda2

Note: If you want to have an ext3 filesystem, add the -j flag: mke2fs -j /dev/sda2

  • mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/usb/
  • cd /mnt/iso
  • tar cvf - . | (cd /mnt/usb; tar xvf - )
  • mkdir /mnt/usb/boot/grub
  • cp /boot/grub/*stage* /mnt/usb/boot/grub/
  • cat > /mnt/usb/boot/grub/menu.lst << EOF
   title Damn Small Linux
   root (hd0,1)
   kernel /boot/isolinux/linux24 root=/dev/sda2 ro lang=us toram noeject frugal
   initrd /boot/isolinux/minirt24.gz
  • cd /mnt/usb/
  • grub-install --no-floppy --root-directory=. /dev/sda
  • cd /root
  • umount /mnt/usb
  • umount /mnt/iso
  • rm -r /mnt/iso
  • rm -r /mnt/usb




  • 一个USB 闪存驱动器(也叫闪存盘,笔驱动盘(pendrive), USB 记忆棒……)
  • [1] - 下载“”文件(大小约49M,建议从Torrent下载,通常速度更快)


  1. 从cmd.exe(DOS窗口)内格式化闪存盘,命令:
  1. 展开“”到闪存盘(你可以使用XP内置的“展开所有文件”到目标盘,如“F:\”)
  2. 下载Syslinux - Syslinux,该程序也可以用于其它平台,如Unix。
  3. 在命令行提示符下运行win32版本的syslinux.exe:


  1. 如果运行在Windows Vista平台,记得以管理员权限启动cmd.exe,否则在cmd.exe下不能存取U盘的MBR(主引导根目录)。
  2. 重启机器。

注意: 对于太老旧的或者BIOS设置不对的计算机,可能从USB引导功能无法实现。一些系统可能无法从格式化为FAT32格式的U盘引导。改变U盘格式化的格式,命令是:


(**) 反馈:按照上述方法,有人无法从U盘引导计算机YMMV。能够引导:

  • (2007/9/27 Hp T5515 thinclient,没有问题,一般的(Generic)512M U盘, fat32, 嵌入版本DSL 3.4.3)
  • (2007/10/16 组装的双core PC机,没有问题。Adata JOGr 2G U盘,FAT32,嵌入版本DSL 3.4.4)
  • (2007/11/25 Asus EEEpc(华硕EEEpc), 没有问题。一般的(Generic)128M U盘,FAT32,嵌入版本DSL 4.0)
  • (2007/12/12 Memorex Travel U盘, 没有问题。 1GB U盘,FAT32)

方法 II

注意:HP USB Key Utility 在Vista 下不能执行。有图文版。下载“HP USB Key Utility for Windows”。

  1. 安装“HP USB Key Utility for Windows”
  2. 插入U盘,windows自动查找,记下U盘所占用的盘符,如F:。
  3. 执行开始->程序-> HP System Tools -> HP Drive Key Boot Utility
    1. 在欢迎屏上,单击下一步
    2. 选择U盘所在盘符,单击下一步
    3. 选择创建新盘或者替换已有配置,单击下一步
    4. 选择硬盘,单击下一步
    5. 选择创建新的文件系统,单击下一步
    6. 等待完成U盘格式化……
    7. 选择“HP Firmware Flash Package”,单击下一步,单击完成。
  4. 现在展开dsl-embedded.zip文件内容到U盘,如果有替换文件的提示,选择“替换所有文件”(切记!!)
  5. 完成!DamnSmallLinux U盘准备好了 :-) 重启计算机,试试看DSL吧!!

注意: 对我而言,DSL v3.3 + Sandisk Cruizer Titanium U盘无法工作。

方法 III

转自无需光驱 运行DSL LINUX的最简单方法 (适用于WINDOWS用户,非虚拟机)

  1. 下载DSL的ISO,和软盘启动镜像文件IMG.
  2. 下载虚拟软驱,VFLOPPY.
  3. 用VFLOPPY虚拟DSL的软盘镜像。
  4. 用WINRAR解压DSL的ISO文件,得到knoppix文件夹,将这个文件夹拷贝到你硬盘的第一个FAT分区。(ntfs无效)
  5. 重启,在启动项中选择虚拟软驱启动。OK.


转换 .iso 到 U盘的安装

With the guide from [2] you can install the .iso contents non-destructively onto a USB partition. Leave out all the partitioning or formating stuff to prepare an existing and used USB drive for DSL booting:

Note: All path names are examples! Please adapt or you may corrupt existing partitions or files.

  • Mount USB drive, with e.g. mount /dev/sdx1 /flash - can be either FAT16 or FAT32!
  • Mount ISO image, with e.g. mount /tmp/dsl-3.2.iso /tmp/iso -o loop
  • Copy all contents from ISO to USB drive: cp -vr /tmp/iso/* /flash/
  • Rename and move syslinux files to root directory: mv /flash/boot/isolinux/* /flash/
  • Rename isolinux.cfg: mv /flash/isolinux.cfg /flash/syslinux.cfg
  • Unmount USB drive: umount /flash
  • Install syslinux: syslinux /dev/sdx1 and eventually set the MBR boot flag for this partition (with fdisk).


  • Why does DSL installed on USB disk won't finish booting after conversion from .iso?
    • It appears that KNOPPIX file is hard-wired to seek for CD-ROM and not USB drive. Use embedded version.
  • Why does the from-within-Linux method require FAT16, but the Windows method work with FAT32? Could I just leave and reuse an existing FAT32 USB partition using the Linux syslinux version?
    • Either method should work however, as per previous notes, using FAT might provide better results than FAT32.
    • Syslinux is the key reason for FAT16 vs. FAT32... CentOS 4.4 (which is essentially Red Hat ES4) comes with syslinux 2.11 which does not support FAT32. Syslinux 3.35 (the latest, as of this writing) works with FAT32 just fine.
  • Why my keyboard and usb mouse do not work when I entered X windows?
    • Try to enable 'usb device emulation legacy' entry in your bios setup.

对 3.2 嵌入版本的修改

After installation I added autorun.inf penguin.ico /USB /tightvnc

Trying to run the in my distro did not work I had to modify the file (it was setup for a second drive and qemu did not exist in the download)

Here are some configuration settings that I found I had to modify after the installation. I also created an autorun.inf that works flawlessly with this. The autorun.inf file is also configured for use of TightVNC if the folder tightvnc is created at the root of the drive. I also created a context link to the folder USB.

  • autorun.inf
  label=Damn Small Linux
  action=Run Damn Small Linux in qemu
  shell\vncviewer=Run the VNC Viewer Application
  shell\tightvnc=Run the TightVNC Server Installation
  shell\usbfolder\command="explorer.exe USB\"
  shell\usbfolder=Open the USB folder in Windows Explorer

This next file I modified and paired up with the windows equivalent so you do not have to answer the questions every boot. Some people might find the -m 256 beyond and should change as needed.

   qemu/qemu -L qemu/ -no-kqemu -soundhw sb16 -m 256 -localtime \
      -kernel linux24 -initrd minirt24.gz -hda KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX \
      -append "qemu vga=791 quiet noscsi nousb nofirewire atapicd noideraid \
       noacpi acpi=off noapm noagp ide1=noprobe ide2=noprobe nomce frugal"

You must also download qemu and copy these files to the qemu dir on the usb drive.

  • qemu
  • qemu-img
  • qemu-i386

If you wish to use the rest of the context menu I've created, download the TightVNC installer, vncviewer and put them in a \tightvnc.

At this point I made all of the damn small linux files hidden and hid the TightVNC, USB folders. Its a low level of security but works nicely. To use anything you just right click the drive in My Computer.