Windows Autorun and QEMU Mod
From DSL Wiki
Modifications for v 3.2 Embedded
This is a couple of possible mods:
- setting up autorun on a USB stick so that Windows auto-boots DSL via QEMU
- Setting up autorun to auto-start a VNC client
These were carried out on v3.2 Embedded.
The Modifications
After installation I added autorun.inf penguin.ico /USB /tightvnc
Trying to run the in my distro did not work I had to modify the file (it was setup for a second drive and qemu did not exist in the download)
Here are some configuration settings that I found I had to modify after the installation. I also created an autorun.inf that works flawlessly with this. The autorun.inf file is also configured for use of TightVNC if the folder tightvnc is created at the root of the drive. I also created a context link to the folder USB.
- autorun.inf
[autorun] icon=penguin.ico label=Damn Small Linux open=dsl-base.bat action=Run Damn Small Linux in qemu shell\vncviewer\command=tightvnc\vncviewer.exe shell\vncviewer=Run the VNC Viewer Application shell\tightvnc\command=tightvnc\tightvnc-1.2.9-setup.exe shell\tightvnc=Run the TightVNC Server Installation shell\usbfolder\command="explorer.exe USB\" shell\usbfolder=Open the USB folder in Windows Explorer
This next file I modified and paired up with the windows equivalent so you do not have to answer the questions every boot. Some people might find the -m 256 beyond and should change as needed.
qemu/qemu -L qemu/ -no-kqemu -soundhw sb16 -m 256 -localtime \ -kernel linux24 -initrd minirt24.gz -hda KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX \ -append "qemu vga=791 quiet noscsi nousb nofirewire atapicd noideraid \ noacpi acpi=off noapm noagp ide1=noprobe ide2=noprobe nomce frugal"
You must also download qemu and copy these files to the qemu dir on the usb drive.
- qemu
- qemu-img
- qemu-i386
If you wish to use the rest of the context menu I've created, download the TightVNC installer, vncviewer and put them in a \tightvnc.
At this point I made all of the damn small linux files hidden and hid the TightVNC, USB folders. Its a low level of security but works nicely. To use anything you just right click the drive in My Computer. =)