Apt-get :: GNU Make apt-get
i have the same problem loupgarup21. Please help us to install make!
I get the same thing ........ on the old one when you try to install it ..... it tries to install file utils but fileutils cant overwrite coreutils ......... im lost.
Ive tried this server times now .... on two machines and 3 installs.
The "tar file is a directory" error is due to a bug in the busybox version of the tar utility program.
You might be able to get it working by replacing the symbolic link to "busybox" that is named /bin/tar (or is it /usr/bin/tar? I forget).
Here's how I would do it:
Boot up a version of Linux that uses the full version of tar. The easiest way to do this is to do an "enhanced" hd-install of DSL 0.6.2. Otherwise:
(1) you can boot up DSL version 0.5.x or boot up a Knoppix CDROM.
Copy the /bin/tar file to a floppy disk or some other storage medium.
(2) Boot up your newer version of DSL 0.6.x Then run the Synaptic Install Script.
(3) Delete the symbolic link located at /bin/tar.
(4) Copy the full-featured version of tar (from step 1) to /bin/tar.
(5) Try using Synaptic and see if your apt-get install will work correctly.
Good Luck.
I dont suppose anybody could do a download for that ?
it is apparently fixxed in .62 (you can replace the busybox commands with the gnu ones) I havn't had time to install .62 yet, but I plan to soon, maybe saturday or sunday
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