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Doing apt upgrade causes Terminal to stop working - Printable Version

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Doing apt upgrade causes Terminal to stop working - Yan - 02-06-2024

I installed DSL, then did apt update, apt upgrade. This caused Terminal to stop working. (Or at least there's nothing visible on the desktop; maybe it's doing something I can't see.)

After installation (and before upgrading), conky says I'm using 80 MB of RAM, but free says I'm using 202 MB (whch is still very little, of course).

DSL 2024 works reasonably well on my Aspire One 522, with a two-core AMD C-50 APU and 2 GB of RAM (upgraded from 1 GB, with 256 MB reserved for video).

RE: Doing apt upgrade causes Terminal to stop working - John - 02-06-2024

Thank you for letting me know. Another user had a similar problem yesterday and I did a quick test. I did not see the same errors, but in the update I elected to overwrite the existing files in the .skel directory. I will do more testing.

RE: Doing apt upgrade causes Terminal to stop working - Yan - 02-06-2024

I think the guilty package is default-desktop-antix.

I now see the previous report. Sorry I didn't notice it earlier.

I didn't modify the apt configuration or anything else before upgrading.

RE: Doing apt upgrade causes Terminal to stop working - John - 02-06-2024

>I think the guilty package is default-desktop-antix.

Very useful information. Thank you!

RE: Doing apt upgrade causes Terminal to stop working - Yan - 02-06-2024

I meant desktop-defaults-antix, sorry. And I confirmed it was the problem by doing apt-mark hold desktop-defaults-antix before upgrading.