I'm working on building a mini-itx machine(parts purchased through DSL store) for computer forensics. The idea driving this is a small, fast portable field foreniscs machine. This can be used for for imaging only or for previewing evidence. And hopefully user freindly enuf that windows addicted Field Detectives can use it with a minimum of re-training.
Of course it will run DSL as its embedded operating system. I admit that I cribbed the case design from John but I wanted to buidl a prototype form what I had laying around...I had some acrylic plexiglass from a nother project and bought the rest at the local hardware store.
After doing some cutting and drilling, I relaized lastnight as I cracked the plex that I need slightly thicker plastic...but oh well its what I had laying around.
I'm just about done redoing the case top and drilling and when its all together I'll post some screenies of the finished machine and some benchmarking tests that I'll run of it doing forensic tasks.
I have one forensic vendor interested in the project...so we may see DSL break into the LE/corporate forensic community...they are porting their tools to linux and I've recommended DSL as the distro...
More to come