I've been running DSL on my Winbook XL (P233 MMX 32 ram, 2 gig HD, netgear ma111 usb key (wireless)) for a while now...before going wireless G with our new access point...But anyway...i've never been able to get X to work with my mouse. Its sooo annoying. I'm just venting of course. I'm a console lackie by nature, but I do a lot of things with VNC (www.realvnc.com if you're interested) and it helps simplify things a good bit. Keeps all of my email centralized by connecting to the Xvnc server and using thunderbird...etc... And it has java applet for web based access from anywhere...So thats helpful. Or you can use the VNC client...anyway...
The only thing I want/need X for on that laptop is for that very reason. Otherwise i'm perfectly fine in console.
Oh well ;)